Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Technological advancement has brought a lot of changes in the manner in which business are operated. Software solutions are updated quite rapidly than ever before. The technology that dominates today might be irrelevant, or insignificant in the coming years, especially due to the efforts made by custom software development companies.

Indeed, changes in software development are rapid and we just have to keep pace with these changes. In most parts of the world, software development has become the most lucrative job, especially in the USA and the United Kingdom. This is a clear indication that the sector has a lot to offer in the coming years.  The year 2018 came with a lot of groundbreaking technological trends, yet there is more to come.

Right now software developers are passionate become they believe the coming year will be fantastic for them as well as the industry as a whole. Basically, the technology-based occupation does not change at the same rate, though they equally evolve. The IT experts will be on constant learning even out of inevitability. But what are the implications on you? Again, it means you should focus your eye to the future, knowing the exact skills you will require and the nature of the jobs that will fit your needs and desires.

Remember that in this industry each and everything is volatile and variable. A lot of advancements have surprised us before and this is expected to continue. The digital revolution brings new technologies with unexpected features that completely change our way of doing things. This blog is meant to provide you with a foresight of the things to happen in the year 2019. We are going to discuss the top 6 technologies that will dominate in 2019 and some of the opportunities to expect as a result of these trends. So let us begin.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Even though AI has been exceptional before, it is going to be groundbreaking in 2019 as well. This is because of its impacts on the lives of individuals, job and paly are still at early phases. Besides, other aspects of AI have developed, among them Machine Learning, something that will have a lot of impacts. But what is AI in the first place? Well, AI is computer programs designed to mimic human intelligence and execute such tasks as image recognition, making rational decisions and speech. Nevertheless, AI can execute these tasks relatively faster compared to humans.

AI has been in existence for at least six decades and has been extensively used. A recent study shows that out of six Americans are using Artificial Intelligence services in at least one way on a daily basis. This can either be navigation apps, ride-sharing applications, and streaming services among others. Apart from consumer use, AI is also used in other aspects such as assessment of business risks, boosting energy efficiency, and scheduling trains.

AI is very promising even in 2019. Broadly, AI is what is referred to as automation, a very hot topic due to possible job loss. For instance, experts are of the opinion that automation will eradicate at least 73 million jobs by the year 2030. Terrified? No need! Automation creates a job at nearly the same rate it cancels. For example, experts predict job creation in the field of AI alone to upsurge by 23 million by the year 2020. There will be created in such fields as programming and support and maintenance among others.

Blockchain Technology

The blockchain is commonly known as the “shining star”. This is because it was among the most outstanding technologies in the year 2018. Its popularity is attributed to the spectacular rise in the Bitcoin. Blockchain technology is still gaining grounds quite faster and a lot of entities worldwide are adopting it already, or intend to implement it in the near future.

Progressive Web Apps

In the year 2018, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) witnessed significant growth. However, its growth is expected to be even more outstanding in the year 2019. It has conventional apps which appear and act in a similar way as native mobile apps but features additional gain of browser technology.in the long run, web apps are estimated to contribute a considerable share in the market than mobile apps. The maintenance and development of PWAs are easier and simpler compared to mobile apps.


The year 2018 witnessed a significant increase in cybersecurity and the trend is expected to double in the year 2019. Due to increased cyber-attacks across the world, cybersecurity has become the top priority not only for organizations and enterprises but also for governments. Custom software development companies are doing all it takes to come up with new security features. A lot of resources are now devoted to the development of more security solutions.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Just like Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Process Automation is another important technology that automates jobs. It automates business processes including interpretation of applications and transaction processing among others. With its capacity to automate repetitive tasks that individuals do, RPA is expected to be groundbreaking in 2019. It offers a lot of opportunities such as developer, consultant, and project manager among others. Unquestionably, these are jobs with very lucrative earnings worldwide.

Single Page Application (SPA)

SPA is a java based web application which runs quite well in user devices. It considerably improves performance and lessens interruptions emanating from page reloading. Besides, it significantly cut web development time. This is because it responds to navigations with no request of fetching another HTML from the server.


Technology can possibly fade away, not because it is ineffective but rather due to rapid advancements in the industry. To stay relevant, you have to remain up-to-date with all technological improvements and trends across the industry.

Author Bio: Umar Bajwa is a young business enthusiast and content coordinator at AppModo loves to write about Mobile Apps, Technology, Health, and Life Style & Digital Marketing


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