Thu. Oct 17th, 2024
Site Traffic Checker by Craig Mullins Consulting

Site Traffic Checker is a very simple and quick way to get information on how well your site is doing.

It gives you a breakdown of the number of visitors, pages viewed, and visits each day. With just a few clicks you can see how many people have seen your site, what pages they read on your site, and when they visited it.

You can compare that information to yesterday or any other day before that. Site Traffic Checker is just a simple look at what should already be there, the “stats” section of your site.

It’s not an analysis tool nor does it change how your site loads. It’s meant to give you a quick way to get information on how your site is performing.

Site Traffic Checker is a great tool for learning more about free website traffic checkers and what people think of you as well as rewarding you with some honest feedback (or not!).

Once you have it set up to get data from Google Analytics, this web tool can provide an easy-to-follow record of your visitors and their activity while they are on your website.

It provides you with a breakdown of what they are doing on your site and is a great tool to have available to see how people impact your website’s success.

The information that the website traffic checker provides is from Google Analytics and is the same data that you would get if you were to install a free plugin called Google Analytics on your website. With this information, you can track:

  • Who is visiting your site
  •  What pages they are viewing
  •  How long they are staying on the site.

You can also compare the information to previous days or weeks to see how your web traffic checker performs over time.

It’s a great way to see if you have a problem with people not sticking around on your page or if you have increased traffic since last week.

Site Traffic Checker provides this data much quicker and easier than installing various plugins, trying to remember what they all do and how they work, and trying to decipher their reports that may not be written in plain enough English.

It’s a great way to let everyone know that you appreciate their visits and it’s an excellent learning tool to show how your website is performing.

Site Traffic Checker gives you a quick and easy way to see how people are using your site and it provides you with the information you need to measure success, as well as learn more about what people think about your website without having to ask.

The first thing you’ll want to do is to make sure that the traffic checker you pick has the look of your daily traffic checker tool.

That doesn’t mean that it has to look exactly like it but at least the general layout and colors should blend in with your site. A lot of times they will have a basic template that you can use which means no coding is needed.

You’ll also need to make sure everything is working with your current theme, pages, and plugins. If so, then you’re ready to add the tracking code to your site.

Other features include:

* You get unlimited sites for one price when you choose a package like this one for $119/monthly.

* 100% Money Back Guarantee. This is a good thing because you’ll have time to try it out and decide if it’s right for you.

* Customization. You won’t have to tweak any code, they’ve already got everything set up for you.

* Control Panel/Admin Area. You get complete control over your account and can add, edit or remove sites as needed.

  • Craig Mullins Consulting
  • 3809 Yosemite Ct N
  • Pleasanton, CA 94588
  • (925) 963-2857

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