Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

The pain usually results from various factors, including chronic pain conditions and injuries. Finding pain relief is usually the goal when experiencing pain, and you can use any available solution, including at-home treatments. However, examining and treating the cause of pain is critical for a long-lasting effect. Lawrenceville shoulder pain specialists at Princeton Sports and Family Medicine P.C. provide comprehensive and effective treatments for various conditions, including sports injury. Here we find more about shoulder pain.

What causes shoulder pain?

The majority have experienced shoulder pain at some point in life. The shoulder is among the common body parts prone to pain. The reason is that your shoulder is among the most movable joints in your body.

It connects various bones, including the collarbone, the upper arm bone, and the shoulder blade. It consists of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints.

The joints have cartilage that provides a cushion for the bones and enhances a smooth movement over each other. The shoulder also has a rotator cuff, made of four tendons, that gives your shoulder flexibility.

Shoulder pain can occur when any of the above structures are hurt. The regular causes of shoulder pain include:

  •         Arthritis
  •         Bone spurs
  •         Fractures
  •         Rotator cuff tears
  •         Pinched nerves
  •         Frozen shoulder
  •         Dislocations
  •         Shoulder impingement
  •         Bursitis
  •         Torn cartilage
  •         Shoulder instability
  •         Tendinitis
  •         Shoulder impingement

The above causes may result from a sudden injury such as a fall, while others form over some time due to repetitive motions causing overuse injury or from osteoarthritis. You are likely to have shoulder pain if you engage in certain sports such as weightlifting, baseball, and CrossFit.

Diagnosis of shoulder pain

Princeton Sports and Family Medicine P.C. conducts a thorough diagnosis to determine the precise cause of your shoulder pain. Your provider discusses your symptoms and assesses your health history. Then, they perform a comprehensive physical exam, including a functional assessment, to look for any biochemical imbalances.

Your provider may also request for ultrasound or X-ray to help find the exact cause of shoulder pain.

Treating shoulder pain

After getting your diagnostic results, your provider uses them to tailor your specific treatment plan. The Princeton Sports and Family Medicine team ensures to give you the best care possible. Their treatments focus on relieving pain and enhancing your shoulder function.

The following are the available treatment options for shoulder pain, depending on the cause and the extent of the damage.

  •         Physical therapy
  •         Corticosteroid injections
  •         Activity modification
  •         Diagnostic ultrasound
  •         Osteopathic manipulation
  •         Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  •         Immobilization in a cast or sling

Your provider may also add therapies such as massage, acupuncture, yoga, or chiropractic care to your treatment plan for improved results.

The shoulder consists of various muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments. Shoulder pain may result from damage to any of the parts of the shoulder. A comprehensive diagnosis is critical in finding the exact cause of your shoulder pain.

Your treatment for shoulder pain will depend on the hurt part and the degree of damage. The sports medicine specialists at Princeton Sports and Family Medicine P.C. provide the best treatment for shoulder pain to relieve pain and restore your health. Consider talking to them today to schedule your appointment.

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