Sun. Apr 28th, 2024
African Grey

The African Gray Parrot is a bird of the Psittacidae family. He comes from the countries of central and western Africa (Gabon, Cameroon, Congo, etc.).

Scientific name: Psittacus Erithacus

Popular name: African Parrot

Life expectancy: between 50 and 80 years

Height: between 30 and 35 cm

Weight: between 400 and 550 grams

CITES: the Grey Parrot is listed in CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). To adopt this bird, you must hold a detention permit or a certificate of competence.

This Congo African Grey Psittacus is native to Africa . In the wild , it is a bird that lives in community with other parrots. In love, he is faithful: if he chooses a companion, it is for life.

In captivity, the African Parrot needs to feel that one is interested in him. Feeling accepted by all members of the family and being a full member of it will make him happy. Loneliness is not ideal for him. For its psychic and physiological balance, make it grow with another parrot of its species.

How to breed a Gabon Grey?

Prepare for his arrival

As with any adoption, the arrival of your Gray from Gabon is an important moment. Stress can be at the rendezvous and your bird can be disturbed by all the changes that will be imposed on him.

First, the essential accessory for the parrot is the cage. Given his build, plan a large cage: he must be able to spread his wings there. As this parrot is very intelligent and very skilled with its beak, also consider taking a cage with sturdy bars and a strong closing system!

Place the cage where your parrot can have contact, but without too much fuss, because it needs 10 hours of sleep at night and likes to take naps during the day. Provide a wooden or rope perch, but also a branch of hazel or willow, because it needs to gnaw wood in order to wear out its beak. And of course, a feeder and a drinker.

At home

Typically, Gabon Grays are adopted between 4 and 6 months old. When you arrive home, place him in his new cage gently and talk to him to calm him down and reassure him. During the first days, it is preferable that only one person takes care of it, so that it feels safe and gains confidence.

When you bring him water or seeds, talk to him and pet him, without forcing him, it may take a little time.

Your parrot will need about ten days (sometimes more) to understand its new environment and adapt to the family. As soon as you observe that he is comfortable, you can leave the cage open and let him out (remember to close the windows!).

You can educate him so that he learns to behave well. He is a playful bird who understands quickly and it is easy for him to understand what you expect. You can use treats as rewards. If he does something stupid, put him back in his crate. He will quickly make the connection.

Getting a Gray from Gabon to talk

It’s very simple: if you want your parrot to talk, you have to talk to him regularly , making sure to use the same words. He will thus become familiar with your vocabulary and repeat your words without any difficulty.

Be patient and attentive. Don’t force him, don’t rush him. Don’t forget that he is very intelligent: he will talk to you when he feels confident.

What does a Jaco parrot eat?

It is a parrot that needs quality and balanced food. Give him seed mixes for Psittacidae that you will find in pet stores.

You can also offer him fresh fruit several times a week and mineral stone, a source of calcium and minerals, to supplement his diet. Do not hesitate to offer him a little treat from time to time: dried fruit or cereal bars will make him happy. Once a week, add vitamins to its water, to overcome any risk of deficiency (to see with your veterinarian)

How much does African Grey Parrot cost?

In breeding,the african grey parrot price are around 1,600 $, sometimes even more. You can also find it in pet stores for a price between 1000 and 1,500 $.

Beware of ads on sales sites that offer Grays from Gabon at low prices: flee because the ad is certainly not legal. Do not forget that this species is protected , because in danger of extinction. Breeders and pet shops have authorizations to sell these birds.

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