Sat. Sep 7th, 2024
Road Trip Tips For You and Your Family

Summer is a popular time for families to take a road trip. The sun is out, the air is warm and fresh, and there’s nothing like putting on a few tunes and just rocking from destination to destination with the people you love the most: your family. It all takes a little planning, though. There’s a lot to consider before you start the engine and head out onto the open road. Below is a look at some of the things you can do whilst on a road trip and some of the preparations you can make.

Tips for preparing for your road trip

Before you jump in and ride off on your adventure, here are a few preparation tips:

Check the oil levels

You don’t want your car to break down because it hasn’t got enough oil, so perform the dipstick test and check the oil levels are between the minimum and maximum markers.

Check tire pressure and tread depth

You need to make sure you have a decent set of tires, or at least that the tires are in good enough condition for traveling. Check the tire pressure and the depth of your tread. Your car should have a sticker indicating a suitable level of pressure.

Pack some toiletries

The chances are someone is going to spill something during the journey, so make sure you pack some toiletries such as tissues, hand gel and wet wipes. They’ll come in handy for cleaning sticky fingers.

Pack snacks

Water is a must to stay hydrated, but chewing gum and mints will also stop your mouth from getting too dry.

Ensuring the trip runs smoothly

Here are a few tips for a smooth trip:

Plan your route

Find a road map of your destination and plan your route, especially if you’ve not been to the destination before. Make a note of any one-way streets and potential detours so you don’t have to figure everything out while you’re on the road.

Create an itinerary

Plan out where you’re going to spend the night, have your meals, stop for fuel and even when or where you will take bathroom breaks. This is necessary if you have a long drive. Planning your itinerary well will make the trip go more smoothly.

Carry some cash

In this tech age, it’s so much easier to pay by card and merely just scan a phone or card, but you should still carry some cash too when you’re a road trip. Not all places accept payment by card. The last thing you want is to not be able to buy food or pay for accommodation.

Things to do on your road trip

You’ll want to stay entertained if you’ve got a long drive ahead of you, so here are a few things you can do during your trip:

Listen to a podcast

Whether you’re looking to laugh or to start up a discussion with other members of the family, a podcast will stimulate you during the drive. Download a few podcasts before starting your journey.

Listen to a playlist

It’s an unwritten rule that if you’re going on a road trip, you have to have a playlist. Prepare the playlist with your partner. Be sure to mix things up. You can place new tracks and old favorites on the list. The road trip is a good opportunity to try out something new.

Pull over and do something active

While you’re driving, all your energy is going to build up and you need an outlet for it. So stop somewhere and let everyone get out to release some of that energy. A nice grassy area somewhere would be perfect. Play a little football or some frisbee with the kids. 

A road trip is a real adventure, but it takes all sorts of preparations for the trip to run smoothly. Follow the tips above and you can look forward to an enjoyable road trip.

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