Wed. May 8th, 2024

A hurricane can have devastating repercussions for individuals and communities, but by taking precautionary steps ahead of a storm you can minimize damage and minimize stress levels.

Make sure your family has at least three days’ worth of nonperishable food, water and medications ready. Be ready with a bag in case an evacuation becomes necessary and understand your evacuation route.

Get Prepared

Although hurricanes can be devastating to lives and property, they also offer residents opportunities to minimize risk by taking steps before the season begins – including creating a disaster preparedness plan, stockpiling supplies and being ready to evacuate if instructed to do so.

It is wiser to begin preparation well ahead of the hurricane season rather than waiting until a watch or warning has been issued to try to complete preparation in a short period of time.

Initial steps towards hurricane preparedness involve understanding your zone. Locate any evacuation or flood zones near where you live and consult the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s map of high-risk areas. Visit to learn more.

Furthermore, know whether storm surge is likely – storm surge deaths account for most hurricane-related fatalities in the US.

If your home is situated in a low-lying area, consider elevating it and taking steps to prepare for flooding by clearing nearby catch basins, draining stormwater gutters, placing sandbags around it to redirect water flow, and knowing where your gas, electricity, and water shutoff points are.

Trim trees to prevent their branches from falling during storms and get your home windows checked for any possible leaks.

Make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working with fresh batteries. Also keep important documents, such as insurance cards and medical records in a waterproof container as well as contact numbers such as emergency management offices, doctors, schools, banks and utility providers at hand.

Prepare Your Pets

Hurricanes can be extremely frightening experiences for both humans and animals alike. Pet owners have the responsibility of making sure their animals are safe during and following a hurricane; there are several things you can do to prepare both pets and homes for its destructive force.

Make sure you research any pet-friendly evacuation centers near you; if not, check if any family or friends in a safe location would be willing to accept your pet(s) in an emergency situation. Provide them with written copies of medical/vaccine records, current photos, feeding schedules and feeding plans as well as extra food bowls, water and pet first aid supplies if necessary. You can click here to learn more.

Microchipping your pet(s) can provide peace of mind during disasters such as hurricanes. The process is relatively cheap and painless; giving you peace of mind during such disasters as hurricanes.

Prepare Your Food

As hurricane season quickly approaches, now is an opportune time to stock your home with food in case evacuation or sheltering in place is necessary. Be sure you have at least three days’ worth of non-perishable goods — don’t forget water too!

Opting for nutritious foods that require little or no preparation can ensure your family has nutritious meals available to them even without access to a stove or oven. Some great choices for hurricane food storage may include canned fruit and vegetables, dry or canned cereals, shelf stable milk (tetra packs are handy!), instant oatmeal, granola bars or energy bars as well as peanut butter, tuna fish sandwiches, bread loaves and bottles of water.

Your best option in case of a hurricane is to prepare some extra supplies, including napkins, paper plates, plastic utensils and bowls for eating. Also keep a can opener and knife handy so you can prepare food efficiently.

Prepare Your Furniture

By taking proactive measures and making preparation efforts in their home, coastal residents can ensure their family will remain safe from these powerful storms. Preparation involves several steps ranging from securing outdoor furniture to reviewing insurance coverage policies.

As soon as a hurricane approaches, it’s vital that all loose items are stored safely away in preparation. Unsecured objects could become hazardous projectiles during severe weather and cause irreparable harm to both you and others’ properties.

If you don’t already own one, consider investing in a sturdy garage door designed to withstand strong winds. There are also front doors that, when installed by professionals, can help secure your home. Furthermore, adding overhead storage racks and adjustable shelving to your garage could further facilitate its functionality, helping prevent patio furniture Tetris games when hurricane season approaches.

As another preventative measure remove all items from balconies or porches to minimize risk from strong winds.


Prepare Your Home

Hurricanes can bring tremendous devastation, so it is essential that homeowners take measures to safeguard their home before one strikes. Simply taking a few measures can significantly decrease risks and make recovery much simpler.

Know Your Zone: If you live along the coast, determine whether or not you fall within a hurricane evacuation zone and plan accordingly. If not in one, determine the safest place for your family to shelter if needed and create an evacuation meeting place so everyone knows where everyone can meet should evacuation be necessary.

Prior to hurricane season beginning, make sure that you review your homeowners or renters policy to make sure you’re adequately covered for hurricane damage. It may also be wise to document all your possessions using photographs or serial numbers just in case there’s a need to file an insurance claim afterward.

For optimal protection during high winds, install storm shutters or purchase pre-cut plywood panels for each window in your home. Secure outdoor items, such as lawn furniture and trash cans; trim trees to remove dead branches that could threaten to fall on it during high winds; remove or trim dead limbs that could fall onto it from trees that could fall onto it due to strong winds.

Learn the techniques for turning off gas, electricity and water before a hurricane hits to be prepared to act swiftly if necessary. Furthermore, become familiar with emergency services in your area to provide resources during and after an event occurs.

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