Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

There are two kinds of people in the world, those who like buying presents for children and those who don’t. For the former group, any opportunity to buy a present for a youngster is looked at as an excuse to shop. Birthdays, baby showers, Christenings, Christmas are all awesome times to relive your childhood and spark the imagination of a youngster.

But for the latter group it is a time of worry and terror, not knowing what to buy, wondering if the little one will like it or if the parents will be regifting it in a couple of months. For most people in this category the reason they struggle so much is first that they have never had children and secondly that they struggle to put themselves into the child’s position and visualise what they would like. If you struggle for ideas for gifts for toddlers, here are a few ideas to help you negotiate the Christmas season.



Why not look to spread the risk and look to assemble baby boy gift boxes. Something a bit like a lucky-packet where the recipient gets a whole lot of small gifts. Chances are that some of these will be roaring successes. And there is always something quite magical about opening a box like this. It is a bit like a treasure chest – you simply don’t know what you are going to take out next. Items for an assorted box like this should be a mix of play items, things to eat, clothing and novelty toys. Nothing too expensive and obviously nothing with parts that could result in choking if you are gifting for a smaller baby.

Mental stimulation

Everybody needs mental stimulation. From babies through to adults the mind likes to be kept busy. So, look to find toys that assist with this. The world-famous child-psychologist Piaget always said that mobiles were critical for early childhood development. This could be a great place to start. Books too are great options. A child who reads will grow up into an adult who reads, and studies have repeatedly shown that readers are smarter and more successful than those who don’t. So, a book, of almost any sort, is a great option. In a sense, it is an investment in the little one’s future.


Textural fun

There are certain textures and feelings that young children love. The first is water. So, link this in to play or bath time and give them gifts that involve water play. The second texture that is a sure winner is clay or plasticine. Moulding shapes and making things has been a tried and tested winner for toddler gifts for years. Be it easy to use crazy-clay or more traditional pottery material that can be baked in an oven, clay translates into hours of fun and games. It can be quite messy, but this is not going to be your problem unless they are your children. Clay also turns into a creative outlet for the youngster and in turn it means that the little one will make gifts and ‘works of art’ that can be bestowed on friends and family. It is hours of fun.




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