Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Advances in dental technology have provided people with dental issues various options on how to handle them. With more dentists and dental clinics offering teeth straightening and whitening options, any Average Jane or Joe can get a perfect smile without breaking the bank. But with most dental devices, they are not indestructible.

All dental devices have a weakness. Whether you have braces, aligners, veneers, dental bonding, or porcelain dental crowns, certain habits need to be changed to ensure that they last for as long as possible. Perhaps the dentist will advise you on how to clean your braces, what to do when playing sports, or what foods you can eat or should avoid having.

And while eating is something you cannot avoid, not all foods are right for your teeth or your dental appliance. Let an experienced cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale share what foods you need to avoid while undergoing treatment or right after the procedure.

Dental crowns

A root canal often leaves your teeth exposed and susceptible to bacteria and disease. To prevent this from happening, dentists use dental crowns to cover exposed areas.

Permanent crowns are made of porcelain. Given the amount of time needed to manufacture and customize the dental devices, your dentist will fit you with a temporary one. Some foods need to be avoided from the time you get the temporary crown to a few weeks after receiving the permanent ones.

An expert on teeth removal in Fort Lauderdale recommends staying away from the following foods during and after getting your crown:

  • Nuts – Although nuts are rich in protein and great for keeping hunger pangs at bay, they are tough and crunchy. Munching on these natural snacks puts a lot of unnecessary stress on your temporary or new permanent crown. Avoid these treats until your crown has wholly bonded with your teeth.

  • Cold and hot foods – Getting crowns can leave your teeth more sensitive. As such, you can expect to feel pain whenever you eat hot or ice-cold food.

If the pain is too much to handle, you can brush your teeth and gums with a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. Similar to pain medication, the toothpaste prevents the alerts of pain coming from your tooth.

  • Sugary, sticky foods – Avoid any food rich in sugar or is sticky to the touch. With sweet candies or soda, the sugar can cause the enamel to erode and cavities to develop. The same goes for sticky foods.

Caramel and other similar taffy-like foods can stick to the surface, making it more difficult to remove and clean. Because of this, you are more likely to develop tooth decay over time.


A porcelain veneer is a thin shell bonded to the surface of your teeth. A dentist may recommend getting veneers if your teeth have lost their shine, or if there are gaps or chips in between them. Because these are thin, you may need to change some of your eating habits once you get them.

Much like getting dental crowns, you will need to wait before your permanent veneers become ready. While waiting, temporary veneers made of bis-acrylic composite are applied to your teeth.

As much as possible, you will need to avoid foods that are hard, crunchy, crusty, high in sugar, sticky, or can stain your teeth. The main objective is to avoid consuming anything that requires applying more pressure to your teeth or has the ability to change their color.

Red wines, in particular, can cause a lot of damage. Drinking fermented grapes may be healthy for the heart, but they can also affect the cement used to bond the veneer with your tooth.

If you need to drink alcohol or any dark liquids, sip water in between drinks or brush right after your meal. Doing so prevents the liquid from lingering long inside your mouth.


With all the metal inside your mouth, it can be challenging to keep your braces clean. Sticky and crunchy foods such as gummy worms, bubble gum, and gooey nachos with cheese can leave lots of food particles behind. These food particles can get stuck in between wires and brackets.

Hard candies, sodas, teas, and other similar sugar-rich foods and drinks are notorious for causing stains. Once the braces are removed, you may find darker areas surrounding white spots where your brackets used to be.

Instead of hard foods, go for bread, cheese or soft fruits such as bananas. If you have a sweet tooth, try out frozen yogurt.

With aligners, there are even fewer restrictions when it comes to food or drinks, compared to metal braces. Just remember to remove your aligners or retainers before you eat or drink. This prevents damage to your aligners while you enjoy your meals or snacks.

It may also be worth remembering to avoid hot beverages. Aligners are made of sturdy material, but freshly-poured coffee, tea, soups, and other boiling hot drinks can cause your aligners to warp. To prevent altering the form of your aligners, stick to not-so-hot drinks.

Dental bonding

With wide gaps between your teeth, chipped, cracked, or small chompers, one way to deal with these dental issues is through a procedure known as dental bonding. The procedure involves attaching a piece of resin to your teeth, which is then shaped to resemble your other teeth.

The list of foods to avoid is similar to those you shouldn’t consume when undergoing other dental procedures. For instance, avoid dark-colored drinks as these can stain your teeth or the resin. Drinking too many cups of coffee, tea, or sodas can cause the color between the resin and your teeth to look different over time.

Hard and chewy foods can also cause the resin to dislodge or become chipped. The same goes for unhealthy practices such as chewing on ice, your nails or grinding your teeth. Such practices can place additional strain on your dental bonds.

Keeping your teeth clean, healthy, and strong doesn’t mean avoiding treats altogether. Just limit your consumption of these foods to avoid unnecessarily frequent visits to your dentist.

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