Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
wasp infestation

Wasps belong to the insects family varying in size from the paper jacket wasps to the yellow jacket wasps. They can infest a home by building nests anywhere and can inhabit a particular spot in dozens.  Like bees, they are very protective of their territory as they sting humans and pets, especially if there is a disturbance in their nest. They pose a big danger to a home, especially for the kids.

What makes wasps even more dangerous is that they multiply faster in their nests and like bees, their attack can be extremely hazardous, the more reason you should deal with them the moment you discover them.

How to identify a wasp infestation

Several wasps

If you spot more than several wasps in your home or garden during the day, there is a likelihood of a wasp nest nearby. 

A wasp nest

In most cases, you will notice wasps going back and forth to a concealed location. Their nests are umbrella-like with hexagonal cells where the wasps disappear into. They build them in shaded places or under trees. For instance, you will most likely find them inhabiting below a tree branch, in your garage, outside the window, in the attic, or typically any spot that has an overhang. 

On the other hand, bee nests are larger than wasp nests and more durable. They are open, easily recognizable through a waxy appearance, and often build hives at the side of the house, attic or wall hole.

Also, do not confuse a wasp nest with a hornet nest that has a football-like appearance with smooth walls. Hornets build theirs in a hollowed tree, inside a gap in a wall or underground with a cover.

A single or a mature wasp nest can host a thousand wasps, and when they attack, they do it aggressively and sting repeatedly. Their stings are excruciating and cause swelling of the body, depending on the severity and number of stings.

How to handle a wasp infestation

If you see a wasp nest in or near your home, keep children and pets indoors and warn the neighbors. Then seek professional wasp control specialists such as Pointe Pest Control to handle the infestation. Remember, you can cause serious harm to yourself, to your family and neighbors by provoking the wasps in the nest.

It is advisable not to remove the wasp nest by yourself to avoid painful stings and allergic reactions such as swelling and itchiness. Do not disturb or swat them. A squashed wasp has the potential to release chemicals that attract other wasps nearby. They are wild and attack in unison.

Handling wasps is a complicated and risky process that requires wasp control or pest control specialists who have the appropriate safety equipment and proper training on how to handle them.

Furthermore, they visit home and inspect for wasp infestations or other potentially dangerous situations and take the necessary measures to exterminate them. They can also revisit from time to time to ensure that the home or property is wasp-free and to get rid of other flying pests that are a nuisance.


The best way to handle wasp infestation in your home is to call a professional exterminator because it is risky. After that, you can do other things to prevent a future infestation by sealing holes and cracks and cleaning regularly.

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