Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

There are five things that contribute to having a good night’s sleep. These are a mattress, a pillow, a mattress encasement, a set of sheets, and a blanket. In this article, the focus will be on sheets, the best bamboo sheets to be specific, and two kinds of mattress encasements. There will be a brief discussion followed by the pros and cons of having each one.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Best Bamboo Sheets

A chemical process turns the woody bamboo into fibers similar to rayon. This process makes the fibers soft yet durable so they can be woven into all manner of things including sheet sets for your bed.  


  • Silky Soft
  • Light Weight
  • Durable
  • Odor Resistant
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Thermo-regulating
  • Eco Friendly


  • Not as cheap as cotton
  • Requires Gentle Cleaning Only
  • Wrinkles Easily
  • Chemical Processing is Not Eco Friendly

There are several more benefits and many attributes to premium bamboo sheets, but research hasn’t proven yet if these qualities found in the bamboo plant are destroyed by the chemical process used to make the fibers.These qualities are Moisture Wicking, Antibacterial Properties, and Deodorizing Properties.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mattress Encasements

A mattress encasement is anything that covers a mattress either in part or as a whole. This item not only helps improve your sleep, but it also helps protect the mattress so it lasts longer. Both of the items to be discussed are far better to have than just a mattress and bedding. This article will be discussing the mattress protector and the memory foam mattress topper.

Mattress Protector

Whether it’s organic or latex, zips up the entire mattress or just fits over the top, the mattress protector is one mattress encasement to look into if you’re wanting the best sleep you can get.


  • Reduces Stains
  • Prevents Allergies
  • Protects Against Bed Bugs


  • Not All Are Water Proof
  • Most Make Noise When You Move
  • Some Have Chemical Smell

Memory Foam Mattress Topper

This product is made from memory foam, and it’s among the top-rated materials research has found to greatly improve your sleep. Mattresses, as well as mattress toppers, are made from the fantastic material created by NASA for their space program. 


  • Comfort
  • Better Sleep
  • Low Price


  • Heat Retention
  • Won’t Help With Sleep Disorders

Both of these types of mattress encasement are far, far cheaper than replacing your mattress because it sags, it has stains or worst yet is infested with bed bugs. Many believe the memory foam will help with sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, but there is no research to support this.


There are many things that factor into you getting a good night’s sleep. There are five things physical things, outside of your own health and well-being, which contribute to this. This article discussed two of them — the best bamboo sheets and mattress encasements — as well as the pros and cons of owning them. One last note is to choose these according to what you, personally want, as there are quite a few on the market.

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