Thu. Oct 17th, 2024
Knee and Joint Pains

Are you someone who suffers from stiff joints and sore knees? If the answer to this question is yes, the chances of you developing osteoarthritis are highly likely. This can be caused by various factors such as inflammation, cartilage degeneration and biomechanics. With time and lack of exercise, bones can lose their elasticity and strength and wear away.

Most conventional methods can have many potential side-effects, which is why many doctors also advise trying alternative therapies. For years, people have used Ayurvedic remedies to heal knee and join pain with success allowing them to live a far better quality of life. Here are some changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle allowing you to find freedom from knee and joint pain.


Understand your joint pain

According to Ayurveda, the causes of knee and joint pain can be vata-related or ama-related. In case of vata imbalance circulation is weakened, metabolism is affected and the body is not able to digest food efficiently. Due to improper nutrition, bone tissue weakens and poor lubrication causes cracks and discomfort.

If there is toxic build-up in your joints, this means the ailment is ama-related. This can cause the joints to feel heavy and stiff. Symptoms can be aggravated due to the weather causing inflammation, swelling and increased pain in the joints.


Fix your diet

Whether your problem is vata or ama related, you don’t need to worry, because Ayurveda has the solution to both. With a few small changes, you can heal yourself from any knee and join pain you may be suffering.


Vata related

To balance the vatadosha, your diet needs to include sweet, sour and salty foods. Consuming foods rich in calcium is also beneficial. Here are some foods you can incorporate into your diet:

  • Split mung dal soup
  • Organic milk
  • Root vegetables such as ginger and garlic
  • Herbs and calcium supplements
  • Spinach, kale and asparagus
  • Grains like rye, amaranth and quinoa (cooked in a tiny amount of ghee or clarified butter)
  • Avoid caffeine
  • Avoid highly acidic foods


Ama related

An ama inducing diet includes warm, lighter and dry foods that are easier to digest. Here are some examples:

  • Cooked apples, prunes and figs
  • Ama water infused with ama-reducing spices such as ginger, cardamom, dandelion, fennel or cinnamon
  • Freshly cooked grains and veggies
  • Nourishing soups

But remember a diet alone will not deliver promising and sustainable results. You have to incorporate some form of exercise and keep those joints moving.


Have more herbs

Ayurvedic herbs can be consumed without any worry about side-effects. These herbs have anti-inflammatory properties and healing abilities that can help reduce knee and join pain. Eucalyptus, nirgundi and ginger are some herbs that can drastically improve the condition of your joints.

  • Ginger reduces pain and swelling and it warms and heals the affected areas
  • Eucalyptus also alleviates swelling and pain caused due to arthritis and it also calms the mind.
  • Nirgundi is effective in providing respite from joint pain because of its antioxidant properties. Make a paste or an ointment and apply to affected areas.


Meditation and Yoga

Most physical ailments are a manifestation of some internal problems. Here is where meditation and yoga will help. Meditation will calm your mind, reduce stress and improve your overall wellbeing. Yoga is great for those with joint pain since it is an effective, low-intensity activity.

You can also view our range of 100% herbal topical ointments that follow all principles of Ayurveda and are sure to give you the relief that you need.

By james vines

Hi, I Am Professional Article Writer Experienced And Owner Of Spurs Express Simply Mac Trendknowlege. com

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