Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Los Angeles, Feb. 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Everest Foundation, a Los Angeles based non-profit dedicated to advancing cutting edge medical research across the national and international stages, recently announced it would join forces with Project Angel Food.

This brand new initiative, dubbed “The Everest Foundation Telephone Angels Program,” will provide tailored meals and companionship to those suffering from various critical illnesses. The announcement also arrives on the heels of an impressive $55,000 donation by The Everest Foundation.

The Everest Foundation was born following the unfortunate 2008 passing of Doctor Edwin A.D. Everest. Today, the organization carries on Edwin’s vision and passion of helping the less-fortunate — which, in part, fueled the organization’s excitement to team up with Project Angel Food.

Project Angel Food, also based in Los Angeles, is a well-known and highly praised non-profit that provides free meals to people too ill to cook or shop for themselves. Driven by pandemic-spurred loneliness and increases in mental health illness, Project Angel Food began piloting a new Telephone Angels delivery program in April of last year while looking to bridge the gap.

On top of Project Angel Food’s typical meal and food deliveries, this newer program is unique as it pairs volunteers with clients who have specifically reported feeling alone or isolated. Volunteers then connect with sick clients through a series of phone calls as well as regular social check-ins. (The telephone ‘catch-ups’ typically take place once a week, but more often in some cases).

While volunteers cannot offer medical counseling or psychological advice, they provide many sick individuals with an uplifting weekly highlight and companionship, friendship, and warm camaraderie.

Since the program’s April 2020 launch, a whopping 90 percent of participants report a steep elevation in their mood thanks to these weekly or bi-weekly calls.

The Everest Foundation’s generous financial sponsorship helps ensure the new program will continue recruiting and training volunteers. This donation will also fund a much-needed expansion of technical support, ultimately aimed at pairing more volunteers with additional Project Angel clients.

“We’re beyond thrilled to work with Project Angel Food on such a necessary and important endeavor,” said Agata Everest, the Everest Foundation’s chair. Agata is also the spouse of Dr. Michael Everest, the Chairman Emeritus and non-profit’s founder. Dr. Everest explained, “The Foundation’s Telephone Angels program seeks to provide a 360-degree, holistic method to health, concentrating on our client’s mental well-being coupled with their physical health. Struggling with a critical illness is difficult as it is, without added depression or isolation. We’re so proud to be a pivotal part of the solution.”

The Everest Foundation works to transform medicine’s future by rolling out lifesaving research and worldwide initiatives, including venture philanthropy as well as graduate medical education. The foundation has committed and will continue to donate millions to funding patient needs, boosting new research initiatives, ensuring resident placement, and assisting historically underserved communities.

“Many volunteers can spend just 10 minutes on a phone call with a client and cheer them up or turn their mood around,” said Executive Director of Project Angel Food Richard Ayoub. “But many volunteers spend hours on the phone and forge a lasting and trusting relationship. Often our clients just need somebody to listen. It’s exactly why the Telephone Angels Program is so very important.”


Hong Kong, Feb. 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Being founded at a time of an economic crisis, Blue Oak Empire is bringing individuals to success through the pandemic

Blue Oak Empire doing over 26 million dollars gross a year helping clients run e-commerce accounts is a highly successful firm. They take in clients who are new to e-commerce and help them become successful on the world’s biggest online ecommerce platforms. They help clients generate a consistent income month after month. Blue Oak does most of the work for the clients. They research and find products with high sales volume and low competition and list them on behalf of the clients. They then handle every step in between from order processing to customer support. They handle everything to ensure they build highly successful stores for their clients. Their clients enjoy a hands off business.

A lot of the small businesses and local vendors have turned to e-commerce because of the pandemic. A sudden shift in the economy led many businesses to bankruptcy. Establishing an enterprise online is more tedious than it seems. Blue Oak Empire provides a specially dedicated team to help newcomers enter the marketplace with ease. For the entrepreneurs that had to force their way onto e-commerce platforms to adapt to the new ways during the pandemic, firms like Blue Oak Empire are the lifesavers. In fact, Blue Oak Empire has already had first-hand experience in handling a recession.

In the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, the company’s founders were beginners in e-commerce amidst the failure of banks that economists predicted, Blue Oak Empire grew as an e-commerce empire by working hard to provide world-class service helping companies and businesses rebuild themselves online.

Blue Oak Empire, which is headquartered in one of the world’s financial hubs, Hong Kong has the goal to help entrepreneurs harness the power of technology. Being one of the very few such companies, Blue Oak Empire has become the largest producer among them. They are highly professional, with all the work done under client confidentiality and 100% transparency in trade details and outcomes. They have been in this arena cumulatively for over 11 years, hence are seniors in business delivery. The 40 highly skilled and trained team members work tirelessly to help achieve the set target, balancing through the fluctuating market reality.

Unlike most companies, their most effective method for client acquisition? Word of mouth. They build a client a successful store and get referrals, through trust. Blue Oak Empire promises to grow together with it’s clients. With a minimalistic website and an application form that anyone can request a conversation with an expert consultant, Blue Oak Empire is globally accessible for anyone to enquire and work together.

By james vines

Hi, I Am Professional Article Writer Experienced And Owner Of Spurs Express Simply Mac Trendknowlege. com

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