Sat. Sep 7th, 2024
A Key Method That Is Helping Small Businesses Boost Their Online Presence

In the present age, life is running at the speed of light. Sydney is also enlarging its business milieu with the help of the Innovation Precinct, which is all set to diversify the economy of New South Wales. According to a news report, the Innovation Precinct will provide upto 250,000 square meters of space for technology companies and 50,000 square meters of space at affordable rates for start-up businesses and small scale businesses that aim at up-scaling.

With the growing opportunities for business and advancement of technology, it is important for small scale businesses to expand their methods of outreach.

Animated videos provide endless benefits in marketing for small businesses. They are a creative way of conveying content and information. Video production companies help you create these videos that are fun, persuasive, and help you build trust. There are plenty of small businesses that may need a boost in ROI via quality videos from a professional video production company in Sydney.

But how will you know if your small business will need an animated video? This article discusses why your business will need these types of videos to kick up traffic on your website.

  1. Generate interest

The content your business posts online must be attractive. For small businesses, the acquisition of customers is just as critical as customer retention. The best way to acquire customers is to stoke their interest. A video production company in Sydney can help you create terrific animated videos that will attract your potential customers. People enjoy watching animated videos since they tell stories in a fun and accessible format.

Moreover, they are highly shareable. With the reach of the Internet, they can increase the visibility of your small business. Evidence for this is that nearly 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others.

Opting for this creative method of marketing can ensure your small business in Sydney thrives. Reports from the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise states that larger businesses have higher survival rates. Small businesses that employ 0 to 19 people have a 59.7% success rate. Businesses with 22 to 199 people have a higher success rate at 75.8%.

  1. Mitigate bounce rates

If your website is not generating enough interest, visitors retention would be a hard task to accomplish. According to research, visitors leave a website with unattractive and uninteresting content in as little as 6 seconds. But a website with video content can hold visitors’ attention and keep them on your site for up to six minutes.

It is not just the videos’ fun factor that keeps people engaged in your site. Videos also provide a professional and up-to-date company that inspires people to do business with you. A video can help build your reputation as an expert in your industry.

  1. You are not maximising your SEO strategy

Not many users crawl past the first page of Google. Because of this, it is crucial you compete to get your business on the top page. The first page is not only for giant companies. Any company can reach the top page regardless of its size. But you will need to employ great SEO. As a small business, the best way to increase your SEO is to post an animated video. Statistical data showed that pages with video are 53 times more likely to rank higher on the pages of Google.

Bear in mind it is not only about Google. The second-largest search engine is YouTube. Therefore, by having a video, you can increase your visibility on the second most visited site on the planet.

  1. Humanise your brand

Humanising a brand is a challenge for any small business. It is the case if you are new and your business is entirely online. Customers feel more comfortable buying from businesses they know and trust. Animated videos are a terrific way to get over the barrier. It provides a chance to make your brand more human and ultimately build the needed trust with customers.

When it comes to humanising a brand, animated videos are the most successful type of video. You can create characters modelled on your buyer persona. Therefore, people will watch your video and feel they can relate to the characters and ultimately become your customers.

Can you run a small business in Sydney?

Sydney is the top-most leading metropolitan city of Australia. The opportunities for anyone to make it big in the city are immense. With the right product, business ethics and marketing strategy, you can make a place for yourself in the growing market of Sydney.

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