Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Using innovative content formats is a great way to grab your audience’s attention and help your brand stand out. Among the various options, one of the paths that you can follow in this regard is to create a 360-degree video. This type of content is capable of attracting attention and can deliver highly meaningful experiences to the public, in addition to having multiple different applications. The possibilities of formats are several when working with 360-degree videos, from promotional to informative content. You just need to know how to use this resource to your advantage content strategy. In this post, you will learn everything that is most important when the subject is a 360-degree video, from what this concept is to how to create your own. Pay attention!

What are 360 ​​degree videos?

360 degree videos are exactly what the name suggests. They are videos in which it is possible to rotate the vision, seeing any perspective from the axis itself. 360-degree videos are recorded using special capture equipment that has lenses all around it. The generated images comprise that space and are subsequently “assembled” by software. The format is natively supported by Facebook and YouTube. In both, the user can rotate the photo using the cursor and also the mobile’s motion sensor. Here is an example of a 360 degree video from National Geographic: Lions 360° | National Geographic. What are the most common types of 360 degree video? Much of the potential of 360-degree interaction video comes from the various content formats that can be adapted to them. In addition to serving various possibilities, they can serve quite different market and public segments. Are you looking for inspiration to work with that format? Next, we will show you the 5 most common types of 360-degree video:

  1. Landscape
  2. A 360-degree video can become a highly immersive experience by transporting your audience to a landscape that can be enjoyed from all angles. The tourism segment, for example, can greatly benefit from this resource to transport potential customers to outstanding destinations. Because it is a video, it will be possible to really feel in that place.
  3. Event 360-degree videos can also be used to portray a special event, to experience it immersive. Think of a concert or festival, for example, and how it would be a remarkable experience to let your audience see it in a crowd. This also applies to a conference or seminar, allowing the viewer’s experience to be enhanced.
  4. Information Conveying relevant information to the public is something that can be done in various ways. A 360-degree video is one, especially since the format makes it easier to understand certain topics. For example, a wildlife documentary can be greatly enhanced by 360-degree videos, allowing the user to stand in the middle of an African savannah. By being able to look wherever they want, each person controls their own experience with this content.
  5. Entertainment Whether it is to promote some type of content or to be a piece of entertainment, 360-degree video can help you. In the end, with it you manage to impact the public by offering different perceptions. In this way, 360-degree videos can be used as a tool for humor, playing with the audience’s expectations by having several characters performing different actions at different points in the video, for example.
  6. Newscast News content production can also benefit from 360-degree video. All publishers on a news site can use the format to bring the visitor “inside” the news with that feature. This becomes even more valuable when inserted in significant contexts, such as in a conflict zone or a cultural award ceremony. How to record the videos in 360 degrees? Now that you’ve understood the appeal of 360-degree videos for your brand’s content production, it’s time to learn how to create your own. There are several ways to do it, in addition to being necessary to take some special care to guarantee the quality of your results. Learn below the main steps to take to record your videos in 360 degrees: Define your subject What are you going to cover in your 360 degree video? As the format is quite versatile, it is important to plan your approach very well before you hit the record button. At this stage, it is also important to anticipate what the point of view of your 360 video will be. That is, what will be the vision that your viewer will have when watching the video and controlling the camera. Use the right equipment Shooting a 360-degree video requires the use of special equipment. In general, it includes not only the 360-degree camera, but also a tripod to hold it. Even though there are always cheaper alternatives out there, it’s important to be careful as they’re unlikely to add the quality your video needs to help you achieve your goals. Avoid appearing on the recording Whoever records a 360 degree video needs to worry about not appearing in the recording itself. This can compromise the immersion of the public, in addition to not transmitting a very professional image on your part. The secret to solving this is similar to what is done with group photos. Activate the timer and seek to leave the field of view of the camera until it finishes capturing the image. Edit the video loop well In addition to allowing any perspective to accompany you, a 360-degree video must also have a barely perceptible loop or loop (repeated video), so as not to harm the audience’s immersion. This is the moment the video ends and resumes. Depending on the amount of movement in your video, this process can become more complex or simpler. This is something that will be worked on at the time of editing. Start recording your 360 degree videos With the knowledge that you have acquired in this post, you already have the basics you need to start planning and recording your 360-degree videos. As you have seen, videos are a very valuable resource to impact your audience with innovative content. Therefore, take advantage of these tips to approach the focus and take into account the returns of your audience.

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