Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

The evolving nature of the web development company world is both the worst and the best aspect of it. To remain in the industry successfully, it is important that web developers keep exploring and learning new programming languages.

Utilizing various web development tools is quite necessary to implement something unique. Exploring new horizons is vital where there is evolution. Having a better hand son different development platforms and programming languages will bring pace to technical management and website optimization.

Being a developer you may be aware of the fact that there are numerous web development platforms to work with and fetch the best results from them. However, a comprehensive know-how about what’s actually going to work out well as per prevailing trends may be useful.

Best Web Development Tools 2019

Among the so many resources and tools available for web development, pave your way to the best-expected results with the topmost considerations mentioned here:

  1. Vue.JS

Vue.JS is a JavaScript library that supports building web interfaces and can also be implemented as a framework when combined with other tools. It had been showing up significant progress on the last 4-5 years of its release in 2013.

Vue comes with little baggage and the absence of pedigree is one of its most considerable advantages. The mistakes that had occurred with React and Angular had been recovered perfectly well. It is lightweight and easy to learn, also, it could be a good solution for developers on board.

  1. Angular

Angular had been keeping up its place as one of the topmost front-end development tools and a reliable Google product. Over long years of existence and evolution with several different versions, Angular had been known for getting better. There exists a vast community of developers using Angular with positive reviews.

This opens source web development simplifies development processes by providing readable, development accessible and expressive environment. There are several other considerable features that it carries.

  • Perfect to create a RICH Internet Application
  • Open source and absolutely free
  • You can write client-side applications using JavaScript
  • Handle JavaScript codes as per varying requirements
  1. Ionic 2

Apart from cross-platform mobile app development, Ionic 2 is a perfect alternative for front-end development. It is also known to be suitable for the development of native and web apps. Listed below are some considerable advantages of it:

  • It’s open source and free.
  • Uses a common coding base for different platforms
  • Possesses good community support on StackOverflow and Slack.
  • Built-in push notifications
  • Availability of plug-ins
  1. Npm

The Node Package manager for JavaScript, Npm discovers reusable code packages assembling them in effective new ways. Used as a command-line utility it is one among the most preferable front-end development tools.

  • Perfect to encourage code reuse among development teams.
  • Manages private and public codes using the same workflow.
  • Publish and control access to namespace.
  • More than 470,000 free code packages for use.
  1. TypeScript

TypeScript had been designed especially for the development of large JavaScript development. This syntactical JavaScript superset allows optional static typing. Some salient features of this front-end development tool are:

  • It supports other JS libraries
  • TypeScript can be used on any environment that supports JavaScript.
  • It supports definition files containing type information of JavaScript files and C /C++ header files.
  • Portable across devices, browsers, and operating systems.
  1. Grid Guide

Allowing the creation of picture-perfect grid designs, Grid guide is a simple tool that can bring up valuable workflows. Its important features include:

  • Adds guides based on art boards, canvas, and selected layers.
  • Quickly add guides to midpoints and edges
  • Creates duplicate guides for documents and art boards.
  • Lets users create custom grids.
  1. Grunt

As far as task automation is considered, Grunt is the most preferable front-end development tool. This JavaScript task runner comes with bundled plug-ins to handle several common tasks. It is extensible and allows you to write for different kinds of tasks. In fact, the best of it is when you combine various tasks to come up with the powerful ones. This tool is widely accepted and flexible. Some  of its features are:

  • Workflow with it is as easy as writing setup files.
  • It allows the automation of repetitive tasks within least efforts.
  • It follows a straight forward approach. It includes tasks in JS and configures in JSON.
  • There are built-in tasks to extend the functionality of scripts and plug-ins.
  • It increases project performance by increasing development process.
  • Grunt has a vast ecosystem; you may, therefore, be able to automate anything within least efforts.
  • With this tool, there are likely to be fewer chances of errors while performing repetitive tasks.
  1. Meteor

With a collection of packages and libraries, Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript framework and one of the topmost front-end web development tools. Built using the concepts of various other libraries and frameworks, it makes prototyping easier. Some of its important features include the following:

  • It allows efficient application development.
  • It has a collection of built-in features with Node JS based server and front-end libraries.
  • It speeds up development time significantly for all projects.
  • It offers using the Minimongo and MongoDB database, written in JavaScript
  • You may refresh only the required DOM elements using the live reloading feature.
  1. Git Extensions

Utilizing version control is a must irrespective of project sizes. They can save you a lot of work and headache, knowing that you had been working on the same projects. In order to gain a little understanding of what happens underline, it is suggestible to learn at least the command line. This is going to affect tasks in case you end up making an accidental commitment to the wrong branch.

This graphical user interface for Git allows you to control it without CLI and also commit history in the graph structure. You can view the history of these files, use rebase workflow and lot more. It is, therefore, one of the best front-end development tools.

  1. CodeKit

This is again a front-end development tool providing support for faster development. It minifies combines and syntax checks JavaScript. It also helps in optimizing images. Its features include:

  • It allows injecting CSS changes without requiring reloading the entire page.
  • It combines scripts for reducing HTTP requests.
  • It reduces file sizes by minifying codes
  • Works automatically with most of the languages without really creating trouble.
  1. WebStorm

It is designed to provide with smart assistance for JavaScript. Its smart coding assistance is available for Angular, Vue.JS, React.JS and Meteor. When dealing with larger projects it allows developers to manage tasks more efficiently. Here are some of its features:

  • It allows efficient coding with larger projects.
  • It comes along built-in tools for testing, debugging and tracing client side and node.JS applications.
  • It can integrate with most of the popular command line tools for web development.
  • JS allows tracing JavaScript codes.
  • It allows working with most of the popular Version Control Systems with its Unified UI.
  • It is highly customizable and suite perfectly to various coding styles.
  • It comes along a built-in debugger for client-side code and Node.JS applications.
  1. Saas

This development tool allows writing future proof and maintainable code with significantly less amount of CSS. It had been known to define the genre of modern CSS preprocessors, establishing itself as one of the most popular front-end development tools. It’s a combination of nesting, variables, and mixins rendering simple CSS on compilation. This makes your stylesheets more DRY and readable.

  • It’s easy to use and straightforward and can be used to write any codes.
  • It supports language extensions like nesting, mixins, and variables.
  • There are various functions for manipulating other values and colors.
  • It has various advanced features like control directives for libraries.
  • It offers customizable, well-formatted output.
  1. HTML5 Boilerplate

This is a great support for building websites and applications that are fast, robust and adaptable. It is basically a set of files that can be downloaded and utilized by the developers as a foundation for any websites. Its features include:

  • The developers can use HTML5 features with this.
  • It had been designed considering progressive enhancement.
  • There are several common bug fixes and Normalize.css for CSS normalization.
  • It improves performance and security with Apache Server Configs.
  • It offers to use the optimized version of Google Universal Analytic Snippet.
  • It provides protection against console statements that cause JavaScript errors.
  1. Backbone

Backbone.js is a perfect tool to give structure to various web applications by incorporating custom events and key-value binding with the models. Some of its salient features include the following:

  • It allows users to create one-page applications.
  • The business and user interface logic is separated using its simple library.
  • It helps in making the code simple, organized and systematically. Just as its name it’s a perfect backbone for any project.
  • While managing data models it includes user data and displays the same on server-side.
  • It allows the users to create client-side mobile and web applications.
  1. CodePen

This is a development environment for front-end developers and designers. It supports faster and smoother development. Along with building and deploying websites, it allows building test cases for them. For the quality of the coding environment it provides it is considered to be one among the best front-end web development tools.

  • It offers to create elements that can be later used elsewhere.
  • Its interesting features allow writing CSS faster.
  • Allows live view and live sync
  • You can add links and demo pages using the Prefill API feature without really needing to code anything.
  1. Sublime Text

This is a cross-platform proprietary source code editor. It supports many different programming and markup languages natively.

  • Matching keyboard invocation for arbitrary commands is allowed by the command palette feature.
  • You can make interactive changes to multiple areas with simultaneous editing.
  • It offers the use of Python-based plug-in API.
  • It offers developers with project-specific preferences.
  • With TextMate, it is compatible with several different programming languages.
  1. Foundation

Allowing designing efficient apps, responsive websites, and emails, Foundation is a responsive front-end framework for any accessibility, device, and medium. Some of its salient features include the following:

  • Without sacrificing its speed and utility, you can use the cleanest of its markup.
  • You can customize the build to remove or include certain elements. Since it defines, font size, size of the columns and colors.
  • It supports faster development and improved page loading speed.
  • It has been specially optimized for mobile devices.
  • It is customizable for developers of all level.
  • With medium grid accommodation for tablets, it takes responsive designs to the next best level.
  1. JQuery

This widely used JavaScript library empowers front-end developers by allowing them to excel in functionalities of different types. It eases many tasks like manipulation, HTML document traversal, and Ajax. Its features include:

  • It facilitates the creation of web applications that are highly interactive.
  • Open source and free to use
  • Offers a powerful theme mechanism
  • Maintenance friendly and stable
  • Helps in great documentation and provides extensive browser support.
  1. Modal

This is one of the reliable development plug-ins offering you with accessible and good quality modals. Some of its features are:

  • It has been optimized for screen readers and assistive technologies.
  • Scales with browser width and fully responsive.
  • SASS options and customizable CSS.
  • Offers viewport mode and full screen.
  • Flexible closing options and methods.
  1. Less

Extending support for CSS language Less is a pre-processor. It allows the developers to utilize various techniques to make a CSS more extendable and maintainable.

  • It can be downloaded and used for free.
  • Developers and designers can create advanced CSS with the higher level style syntax it offers.
  • Before the web browser starts rendering a web page, it compiles easily into a standard CSS.
  • You can upload the compiled CSS files to the production web server

The above-mentioned web development tools are likely to rule the arena in 2019. Knowing them well would be a great decision.

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