Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Nowadays the Green Tea trend is going on. Green tea is becoming very popular in health benefits. To be healthy, many people now prefer to drink normal tea and drink herbal or green tea.

The usual tea we drink does not contain any special nutrients, but the problem of acid tea increases like tea. In such a situation, you can use Green Tea instead of normal tea to feel fresh in the morning. (Read More: Personality Development in Hindi)

Today, in this article, we are going to give information about all the topics that are Green Tea, what is the timing, method and method of making it. More information related to Green Tea is given below:

How Green Tea Is Made?

It is made of soft leaves of tea. They are made by drying. It is not processed. It is very useful. It is made in a herbal manner and chemicals are not used much in it.

What is the correct way of green tea?

  • Green tea without milk and without sugar is very beneficial. There is also no calories in it.
  • Green tea becomes even more beneficial for health when it creates organic or herbal teas.
  • If you take green tea with honey, ginger, basil or lemon, it will be more beneficial.
  • Helping to burn calories from honey will also help.
  • You should drink at least one cup of green tea every day.
  • You can also drink Green Tea 2 to 3 times a day.

What is the right time to drink green tea?

  • Green tea can be taken at any time of the day.
  • Green tea after half an hour before eating or after 1 to 2 hours of food, this will be of great benefit.
  • Do not take empty stomach green tea, it can cause ulcers.
  • You can also take green tea with fruits or snacks at evening time.

The method of making green tea

  • Boil about 200 ml of water to make green tea.
  • Put the lid in about 3 grams (a little less than 1 tsp) in it and keep the lid and filter it after 5 minutes.
  • Now your green is ready.
  • You can drink it.
  • It is necessary to cover at least 5 minutes, because in such a time the yogic inside the green tea comes in that water and if you keep it more than 5 minutes then the element of the flavonoids inside the t can be destroyed.
  • There are many different types of green tea, such as
  1. Organic T – This tea does not contain any types of chemicals or pesticides. It is completely natural and its benefits are also quite large.
  2. White T – It is made by soft, soft and fresh leaves. The processing process is much less. In this, the amount of caffeine is very low and antioxidants are high. Its taste is sweet and good.
  3. Herbal Tea – Some herbs such as Ashwagandha, Tulsi Cardamom, Cinnamon, Brahmi etc. are mixed in herbal tea. It is mostly used like medicines. Herbal tea is of many types, like stress relief, it contains Brahmi, cinnamon gives freshness and freshness. Tulsi immunity increases, weight loss elements are found in slimming

Benefits of green tea

  • Green tea contains active agents – activated elements like Green Tea, which protects body from the side effects of growing age. Along with the toxic substances, the body also increases the immunity of the body.
  • Feeling of energy – Caffeine is present in every type of tea, which gives fresh feeling. But the amount of caffeine should have limited intake.
  • Increases memory – The elements present in green tea leave a protective effect on the neurons of the human brain, thereby promoting human memory. Alzheimer’s, dementia etc. can increase the duration of the disease.
  • Beneficial in diabetes – Active elements present in green tea increase the amount of insulin in the body, which regulates the amount of glucose and also helps reduce the harmful effects of diabetes medicines. Consumption of green tea helps reduce the side effects of type-diabetes in the body such as eyes, heart, kidney damage etc.
  • Lower cholesterol – People who eat green tea regularly, those present in green tea reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body and HDL increases the amount of good cholesterol.
  • Control blood pressure – Green tea is beneficial for people of hypertension. According to a survey, drinking a cup of green tea daily decreases about 50% of hypertension. Antioxidants present in Green Tea help keep the heart healthy.
  • Lower cholesterol – People who eat green tea regularly, those present in green tea reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body and HDL increases the amount of good cholesterol.
  • Control blood pressure – Green tea is beneficial for people of hypertension. According to a survey, drinking a cup of green tea daily decreases about 50% of hypertension. Antioxidants present in Green Tea help keep the heart healthy.
  • Kidney complication is beneficial – Kidney function is not normal in diabetic patients, due to which they have many problems related to kidney, one of which is to change the amount of albumin in urine. Due to this, diabetic patients have to go to urin repeatedly. Albumin is a protein found in the blood and that filtration of the kidneys. Polyphenol in green tea and coffee prevents the conversion of albumin into urine, which does not cause urine problems. (Read more: Pregabalin Side Effects)
  • Helpful in losing weight – If you are overweight, then include Green Tee in your daily routine. Consumption of green tea increases BMR i.e. basal metabolic rate, hence it helps to lose weight. Consumption of green tea also decreases fat in the body, especially in frozen fat surrounding the stomach. If you take green tea daily then you will lose weight in 2 to 3 months. It also burns calories from the element present in it.
  • Digestion is correct – Consumption of green tea improves digestive system, which reduces stomach disorders.
  • Hair loss will be less – hair loss due to the presence of antioxidants present in green tea is less. As well as hair growth begins to grow. After washing the hair, put fresh tea prepared green tea in the hair after 10 minutes and then wash. This will help reduce problems like dandruff and dryness.
  • Green tea will have skin care – if you place green tea on face like face pack, then it will improve your conception. Green tea contains anti-aging ingredients, which reduce wrinkles. Green T protects from sunburn too.
  • Teeth will be healthy – elements like Fluoride, Polyphenols and Ketchin present in green tea protect teeth. Help in keeping the teeth healthy by eliminating symptoms like dentistry, bad breath and so on.
  • What precautions should be taken when drinking Green Tea?
  • Caffeine remains in small quantities compared to coffee in green tea, but if you consume it in a higher amount then you can be deprived of its benefits.


The advantages and disadvantages of this being Green Tea Hopefully, by reading this article, you will add green tea to your diet in a limited amount and you will get the benefit from it. Also, you must also keep in mind that no one can replace Green Tea for workouts, yoga or balanced diet. That’s why you have to work hard. And yes, if you are milk tea etc. you definitely replace it with Green Tea, it will only benefit you.

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