Mon. Sep 9th, 2024

If you engage in sports, you are prone to joint injuries that could affect your mobility. Losing your ability to play your favorite sport can be devastating. If you are set on preserving optimum function in your joint, your trusted orthopedic sports medicine surgeon Buford, CA, Dr. Fisher, should be your ultimate choice. He offers joint preservation therapies that maintain normal function in the affected joint.

What joint preservation implies

Joint preservation consists of a combination of procedures to repair and preserve deteriorating joints to prevent or delay joint replacement surgery. The technique preserves the damaged tissue while protecting the remaining healthy tissue, slows down bone degeneration, and heals injured tissues. The goal is to restore optimal functioning in your joint. Dr. Fisher and his team assess the pressure on your joints and its effect on their functioning.

Firstly, they may relieve your joint pain before focusing on the joint preservation procedure. The team specializes in both surgical and nonsurgical procedures. Their extensive training enables them to pinpoint the appropriate joint preservation procedure depending on your activity goals, the extent of joint damage, and age.

Necessary assessments before joint preservation treatment

During your first appointment, Dr. Fisher discusses your symptoms, completes a physical exam, and discusses your health history. He uses ground-breaking technology to conduct non-invasive medical evaluations. The team may perform a motion and gait analysis to evaluate your gait, posture, and body alignment. Poor posture, walking style, coordination issues, and misalignment in the musculoskeletal muscles may put extreme pressure on your joints. The type of joint preservation approach depends on the factors causing joint deterioration.

Joint replacement vs. joint preservation

The aim is to restore your mobility and alleviate painful symptoms. Factors to determine your eligibility for joint preservation are age, weight, the severity of the damage, location, and muscle strength. Joint preservation in younger people has a higher chance of success than in older adults. Your provider evaluates your health status before clearing you for this procedure.

Dr. Fisher often recommends joint replacement for severely damaged joints. Older adults are more likely to pass for joint replacement than preservation. Your doctor creates artificial bones and cartilage and places them in the affected joint to facilitate motion. Complete joint replacement is more long-lasting than partial joint replacement.

Available joint preservation therapies

Dr. Fisher formulates a treatment plan depending on your physical examination results. Your current health may also significantly affect the type of treatment your physician may recommend. Your joint preservation treatment plan may involve non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, corrective biometrics with braces and orthotics, joint injections like viscosupplementation, and surgery in severe cases. If your symptoms persist after your conservative treatment, and you are not eligible or don’t want a joint replacement, Dr. Fisher may recommend joint preservation surgery.

If you are a sports person, it is normal for you to wish for a treatment procedure that guarantees optimum functioning in your joint. Don’t allow joint deterioration to prevent you from enjoying your favorite activities; call Dr. Fisher or click on the booking tool to schedule an appointment today.

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