Wed. Sep 18th, 2024
Shot of young man and woman stretching in the park. Young couple warming up in morning.

The digestive system ensures food breakdown and absorption into the body. It consists of the gastrointestinal tract, where food travels from your mouth through the stomach to the anus. Health and proper function of the gastrointestinal tract is critical to enhancing smooth digestive functions. Any health issue or symptom regarding the digestive tract may need medical evaluation. The EUS Pineville endoscopy center can offer a comprehensive diagnosis to evaluate your symptoms and provide treatment. Continue reading to understand how you can benefit from the EUS procedure.

What is EUS?

EUS, or endoscopic ultrasonography, is a procedure that helps in diagnosing digestive system disorders. Your provider uses a specialized endoscope with a built-in ultrasound probe to evaluate your gastrointestinal tract. EUS gives a detailed view of the digestive tract. Your provider may recommend EUS if you have gallstones, certain types of cancer, chronic pancreatitis, or pancreatic cysts.

How to prepare for the EUS?

The preparation depends on the part of the GI treated. For the upper GI EUS, the endoscope goes down the throat, while for the Lower GI EUS, your provider places the camera into your anus. Your provider advises not to eat or drink six hours before the upper GI EUS. For the lower GI EUS, your provider recommends fasting the night before your procedure and taking laxatives to clear your bowels.

Following the instructions given by your provider is critical to ensure there is no food in the stomach or colon. It also ensures your provider gets a clear view of your tissues.

What happens when you have EUS?

Your provider administers sedation before the EUS procedure to prevent discomfort. They also disperse an anesthetic through the throat during the upper GI EUS to prevent gagging. Your provider may provide a mouthguard to protect your teeth. The endoscope is small and easy to swallow. Your provider guides it from your stomach to the duodenum. They pump air into the stomach to make them see the images from the camera.

The increased air may cause bloating or the need to eruct. The ultrasound analysis transmits back signals through echoing sound waves, converting them into in-motion images of the body parts near the probe. Your provider may take small tissue samples for further testing. Upper GI EUS is similar to lower GI EUS except that the endoscope goes through the anus, colon, and rectum.

How can you benefit from the EUS?

The EUS procedure helps diagnose various digestive health issues by evaluating the symptoms. It helps determine the stage of certain cancers if present. It assesses different problems that have affected your digestive tissues. EUS also provides an effective way to deliver medication to the pancreas or other digestive organs.

What are the risks involved with the EUS procedure?

The EUS procedure is generally safe. However, like other medical procedures, there may be a chance for risk. The risks include infection and bleeding perforation of the intestinal wall.

The Carolina Digestive Health Associates works to provide safe and effective results. Call them today to schedule your appointment.

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