Thu. Sep 12th, 2024
Woman touching stomach painful suffering from stomachache causes of menstruation period, gastric ulcer, appendicitis or gastrointestinal system disease. Healthcare and health insurance concept

Your digestive health is critical; it allows food digestion and absorption to our bodies. Usually, digestive problems are common occasionally, mainly resulting from the food we eat every day. People complain about common digestive issues: diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Observing what we eat is critical in fighting most of our digestive problems. Where the condition is critical, the best GI doctors at GastroDoxs PLLC, Texas, can help improve your symptoms. In this article, we look at different digestive issues and their treatments.

Abdominal pain

It’s normal to experience abdominal pain now and then. But, when the pain is severe and persists, it’s good to schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Different concerns may cause abdominal pain, including food poisoning, gallstones, appendicitis, food allergies, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, among others. Proper diagnosis is essential to identify the cause and find suitable treatments.

Your first step to fighting abdominal pain is by taking healthy and balanced diets and drinking a lot of water. Eating smaller portions but more regularly is helpful too.

Healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise also come a long way. It is crucial to avoid lying down immediately after taking your meal.

When your abdominal pain occurs due to a digestive health condition, your provider prescribes medications and gives recommendations on your diet to provide a permanent.


If your diarrhea stays more than a few days, you may be at risk of a severe health problem. Hence, it’s vital to seek the necessary medical care.

Various factors may cause diarrhea, including bacterial and viral infections, dietary issues, or some medical conditions of the digestive system.

Your provider at GastroDoxs performs thorough screening to find a personalized treatment for you. Then recommends the ideal treatment options, including dehydration treatments by increasing your water intake, salts, and electrolytes levels. He may also suggest intravenous hydration for severe dehydration cases.


It is among the most common digestive issues everyone experiences at some time. It occurs when you get fewer bowel movements than usual. Usually, you may have a problem when you go more than three days without a bowel movement.

Other signs that may show you have constipation include:

·         Straining for bowel movements

·         Vomiting

·         Swelling or pain in the belly

·         A feeling of an incomplete bowel movement

·         Extremely hard or small stools

Usually, constipation goes away by itself; however, you might want to consult your provider if it does not improve within a few days.

You can decrease your chances of constipation by taking plenty of water and eating more fruits and vegetables. Eating food that has fiber can also improve your condition. Over-the-counter drugs such as laxatives also give relief; however, you should not use them for more than a few weeks.

Digestive issues such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation are common in our daily lives. But, you should watch out if the symptoms last more than a few days. It is best to make a point of seeking medical assistance to find a lasting solution. Always schedule your consultation with the best and most experienced doctors regarding your digestive health. Contact GastroDoxs PLLC today to have your appointment.

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