Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Osteoarthritis is one of the prevalent causes of loss of mobility among older adults. While the resulting damage is irreversible, Hui Kang MD can detect the disorder and recommend excellent management techniques that prevent the progression of the disease while alleviating your symptoms.

What should you know about osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis refers to a degenerative medical condition affecting your joint’s underlying bone and cartilage, causing pain and stiffness that may limit your mobility. This degenerative disease is due to the wearing away of the smooth cartilage, causing friction between your bones as you move and affecting the functioning of your joints. This disorder can affect any joint in your body, but it is more prevalent in the joints in your spine, hips, and knees. Your doctor can come up with a treatment plan to manage your symptoms, but the damage to the joints is irreversible. It may be challenging to diagnose osteoarthritis in its early stages but if you experience persistent pain or reduced mobility in your joints, inform your provider immediately to prevent further damage.

When should you consider seeing your doctor about joint pain?

Osteoarthritis symptoms may vary from one individual to another depending on the type of joint effect and severity of the damage. Debilitating pain that limits your movement is the signature symptom of this disorder. Other symptoms include cracking or popping sound in the affected joint as you move, stiffness, swelling around the affected joint, bone spurs, a grating sensation, and increased sensitivity to pressure. These symptoms deteriorate over time as the disease advances.

What factors facilitate the development of osteoarthritis?

Anyone can develop osteoarthritis, but several factors may elevate your risk. Old age is the most prevalent cause of this degenerative disorder. As you age, your cartilage wears away, exposing your bones to friction, leading to painful osteoarthritis symptoms. Medical research shows that women have a higher chance of developing this disorder than men, although the reason for this is not apparent yet. An occupation that causes repetitive stress to your joints, such as lifting heavy objects, may damage your joints. Other triggers of osteoarthritis include genetics and joint injuries from sports and accidents. If you have these risk factors, your provider may formulate strategies to minimize your risk.

What are the available management techniques for osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a progressive degenerative disorder that may be difficult to detect while in its early stages. In most cases, early osteoarthritis is detected after a sports or road accident that results in a fracture prompting an X-ray. If the team suspects that you have the disorder, they may order additional tests like blood tests to rule out other medical conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis.

After diagnosis, your provider may recommend gentle exercises to improve your range of motion and mobility and slow disease progression. If your symptoms are more aggressive, the team may recommend other treatments, including bone realignment, pain relievers, steroid injections, lubrication injections, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If you struggle with immense chronic joint pain, call the Houston Pain Specialists office or visit the website to book an appointment for a consultation.

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