Thu. Oct 17th, 2024
Being Quarantined at HomeBeing Quarantined at Home

Nothing is more devastating than dealing with times like these. It feels like the entire world has drifted back into the state of Great Depression. People have been limited to their homes, the global economy is crashing and there is an outbreak on the loose, which has already taken more than 16,500+ people, across the span of 190+ countries.  It is not certain when this pandemic will finally begin to loosen its grip on the entire world, but there’s one thing we can do in this situation and that is to use it as a break from everything.

Around a week ago, a video surfaced the internet that surely did put a smile on our faces amid this time of utter chaos. It showed how the absence of human beings from streets and various other hangout zones has helped in reducing the global pollution to a tremendous level. This only means one thing: if we try hard enough, we can see an unseen benefit of this entire situation. So what we’re all stuck at homes? There is so much that we can do to keep our positivity levels up, like using our high-speed spectrum internet connection for learning something new.

Further, the VPS full form is Virtual Private Server. Actually, VPS is a virtual space on the internet where you can save your files and data and make them secure.

Still not sure about what you can do to keep yourself happy and stress-free while using your internet connection? Let’s see!

  1. Catch-Up on Some Series And Movies

Let’s face it before this ‘thing’ started we were all so busy in our lives that we barely got time to watch movies and series. Now that we can, let’s catch up on series that we couldn’t watch; throw in a couple of movies too and you can have an entire entertainment roster for your quarantine days.

Before you begin streaming, make sure that your watch-list is only filled with movies that do not stress you out.

  1. Take Music Lessons

There is no doubt that the internet has made our lives easy, for it has literally fit everything in the palm of our hands. Thanks to everyone’s favorite tutorial-provider YouTube, accessing online tutorials has surely become a piece of cake. As they say without music life would be nothing but a mistake, you can use your free time to watch a bunch of tutorials and maybe learn to play that Ukulele that’s been resting in your closet?

  1. Play Games

Of course, how could’ve we possibly forgotten this one? You can use the internet to play your favorite video games online. What’s better than getting your mind off the stress out there than venting it out through gaming, right? So, get your gaming-buddies to come online and reminisce those times when you and they hurried back home from school just to knock some bad guys out.

  1. Improve Your Cooking + Baking Skills

Since there’s a lot of free time to spare, you can use it to improve your cooking skills. There are several cooking channels on YouTube that you can subscribe to or better yet, you can follow websites like Food Network and even BuzzFeed Tasty because their recipes are literally out of this world!

  1. Get Crafty With DIY and Stuff

Another great thing to get your mind off the mayhem out there is to let your creative side shine. Start off by fixing little things at your home that have been looking for your attention for a long time. You know, things like fixing the leaky faucets, the loose doorknobs and the creak in the kitchen cabinet. There are some websites and YouTube channels that create really cool DIY content, so you can even take help from those and add nice oomph to your living space.

  1. Finish Your Office work

Of course, the internet has proved to be of great help but it has particularly helped in one thing and that is ‘Working From Home.’ As a means of social distancing, it was inevitable for workplaces to opt for letting the employees work remotely. Not only has this proved to be great in terms of controlling the spread of the outbreak, but with the internet, employees are not letting their work-related productivity get affected.

  1. Start a Blog About Positivity

Blogging is an underestimated yet great thing. Those who have a flair for blogging can use YouTube to start video blogs or if they want to keep things strictly conventional, WordPress would suffice too. It’s just, the anxiety and stress in times like these is intense and what we need is someone to spread positivity. If you’re looking for some inspiration yourself, make sure to check out Simply Nailogical’s YouTube channel, maybe you’ll get the idea of what we’re trying to say.

  1. Get in Touch with Your Old Buddies

Who doesn’t like catching up on a bunch of good, old gossips, right? The previously overwhelming routine might’ve drawn you away from your friends, but now you can finally make up for all that time. You and your group mates can have video calls, and talk about the good things that you can do after you guys are done quarantining. It’s just, remaining isolated can take its toll on you, thus keep in touch with your friends to maintain your sanity!

Just Hang in There!

We know this is hard but we all have to hang in there. Things are stressful and undoubtedly anxiety-inducing, but everything that we are doing right now is meant to keep us and our loved ones safe. Let’s continue to be positive and make sure that we don’t give in that easily. Good thing that we all have our internet connections close by because if these weren’t around we would probably have experienced a much worse situation. So, no matter how hard things may seem like, you’re hanging in there and you’re doing your best, that’s all that matters.


By admin

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