Tue. Apr 16th, 2024
Board Online GamesTop 5 Board Online Games to Play

wco anime  The usual board games are back in fashion thanks to mobile apps. The ‘app stores’ of our smartphones are the place to find board games that we have enjoyed throughout our lives, helping us to bring them closer to the most technological young people, as well as enjoying them remotely as a family.

Bingo Fabulous is quite a popular gaming platform to start playing online board matches with strange people. Here are the other games that you must try:

Most Exciting Online Board Games

  1. Catan

Board Online Games
Top 5 Board Online Games to Play

This board game designed in 1995 by Klaus Teuber, is one of the most popular board games of the moment. Catan is a game lasting about 50 minutes, perfect to play as a family, as no one is eliminated. It consists of creating towns and cities with the material that you collect, until you get 10 points. The popularity of the game is due to the fact that in each turn of each of the different players who participate, all the players in the game are involved, thus eliminating waiting times between turns.

Catan is available for both Android and IOS in their respective app stores, under the name CATAN UNIVERSE.

  1. Monopoly

The classic of classics. Invented in 1903 by Elizabeth Magie, an American game designer, Monopoly is a board game based on buying and selling properties.

This board game consists of taking over the monopoly of the board, obtaining all the properties that appear on it. The game takes turns where dice are thrown and the player’s token is moved on a circular board, that is, it has no end. A very entertaining and easy to play family game, with which you can spend an entire afternoon, without realizing it!

Monopoly is available on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.

  1. Parcheesi

The mythical Indian game of the 16th century, now returns in ‘pocket format’ within our Smartphone AnimeUltima. Parcheesi is a board game derived from other games such as pachisi and ludo, parquet or patchesi.

Your goal is to be the first to take your chips from the start to the finish, trying to eliminate the chips of the other players. Parcheesi is a very easy game to learn, so the whole family can play.

You can find Parcheesi for both IOS and Android in their app stores.

  1. Carcassonne

This popular board game, distributed for the first time in 2000, is based on the creation of a map, this being different in each of the games played.

The objective of the game is to get the maximum number of points thanks to your possessions (roads, monasteries, meadows and houses), scoring by finished construction. Like Catan, it is a somewhat complex game for very young children, but it is a perfect family game if your children are over 8/9 years old.

This game is available on Google Play and App Store, even being able to find extensions.

  1. Pictionary

The board game of group rapport par excellence. One of the funniest board games to have a good time with your family!

Pictionary consists of guessing a word using a board, a marker, and the players’ drawing skills, without being able to speak, make noises, or gesture. The members of a group must guess the maximum number of possible words drawn by one of their companions within a set time.


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