Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Persons with varicose veins, a condition where the veins are dilated, will often not show early symptoms of this disorder. In fact, many people live with undiagnosed varicose veins because it develops gradually and silently. At times, however, you might experience unbearable symptoms such as itchiness, muscle cramps, skin discoloration, burning sensation, and more. If left untreated, these Plantation varicose veins symptoms can cause other serious health problems that could lead to hospitalization, discomfort, and even death. This article talks about any varicose-related complication that you may experience.

  1. Lipodermatosclerosis (Leathery Skin)

Lipodermatosclerosis (LDS) is a connective tissue and skin illness. In literal meaning, LTD is described as a scar on the skin and fat. Typically, patients suffering from this disorder will experience varicose veins as the main symptom. As such, you might have skin color alterations, tapering of legs beyond the ankles, inflammations, hardened skin, and discomfort.

On the other hand, if LDS is untreated, you could have severe venous leg cancer, which is challenging to cure. Moreover, LDS can hinder your ability to run or walk, causing general health complications.

  1. Bleeding

Bleeding is rare. However, sometimes the varicose veins near the skin’s surface may burst, especially when encountered by a small trauma. As a result, you might have a huge amount of blood loss.

In other scenarios, the trauma may not cause the skin to burst, but it will cause the vein to bleed inside the tissues resulting in a large bruise. You can stop the bleeding by elevating your leg while you still apply pressure on the bleeding area. Nonetheless, if the bleeding continues, visit your physician for treatment.

  1. Ulcers

For many patients, the main cause of leg ulcers has been vein disorders like varicose veins. Normally, varicose veins cause excess fluids and inflammation in the patient’s tissues. Afterward, the affected region will experience brown discoloration, rashes, and inflammations.

Ulcers can cause the patients to neither work nor lead a quality life. Therefore a prompt visit to your doctor will aid in regaining your normal healthy life.

  1. Blood Clots

Varicose veins make your blood incapable of properly cycling back to your heart. Fundamentally, the blood fills up in your legs to cause stagnant blood flow, which ultimately causes blood clots. Usually, blood clots are categorized into deep vein clots, referred to as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and superficial blood clots/phlebitis.

Unfortunately, deep vein clots can move via the bloodstream to the lungs, creating severe complications such as pulmonary embolism. This condition is the most severe medical problem concerning untreated varicose veins. Therefore, consult your physician to avoid lethal diseases if you notice any signs of clotting.

  1. Infection

Inflammations caused by varicose veins make the skin unable to perform its role as a protective layer against the surrounding bacteria. Consequently, the swelling and open wounds due to ulcers will enable the bacteria to enter the skin and cause a skin infection known as cellulitis.

While these complications are terrifying, curing your varicose veins can aid in avoiding these issues. Furthermore, you will be relieved from the discomfort of this complication and be able to live a healthier life. Consult your doctor if you notice any symptoms or have any of the risk factors.

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