Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Email marketing is an essential component of any successful online marketing strategy. But managing and optimizing email campaigns can be a daunting task. Luckily, there are plenty of free tools available that can help streamline your email marketing efforts and improve your results. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 free tools that every email marketer should know about.


Delim Online

Delimiter Online, also referred to as , is a handy online tool designed to separate lists of data, such as email addresses, zip codes, phone numbers, and more, using any symbol or text of your choice. This tool is particularly useful for managing large email lists, as it allows you to quickly and easily separate and organize them for easy import into your preferred mail client application or export to an Excel file.

Using an online comma separator can beveryhelpful for email marketing. Whenworkingwith email lists, it’softennecessary to separate data in CSV (comma-separated values) format, whichallowsyou to import and export data betweendifferent email service providers, databases, and spreadsheets.

Delimiter Online allows you to quickly and easily convert your CSV data into HTML code that can be inserted into your email marketing campaigns. Withthistool, you can separateyour data by commas and createcustomized HTML tables withdifferent font styles, sizes, colors, and backgrounds.

Using an online comma separator such as delimiter can help you save time and ensure the accuracy of your email lists by ensuring that your data is properly formatted and separated. It can also help youcustomize the look and feel of your email campaigns by allowingyou to createvisuallyappealing and professional-looking HTML tables and lists.




Gmassisan effective email marketing and cold emailing tool, and Chrome extensionthat turns Gmail into a comprehensive email platform, allowing you to send personalized messages to a large number of recipients.

One of GMass’s key featuresis mail merge personalizationwith Google Sheets, whichmeansyou can sendtargeted messages to specific segments of your mailing list. You can alsoeasilytrack and analyzeyour email campaignsthroughGMass’sintegrationwith Google Analytics.

But beforesendingyour emails, GMasshelpsyouensurethatyour messages won’tgetflagged as spam by verifyingyourlist, testing links, and fixing spam triggers. WithGMass, you can maximizeyourdeliverability and hit yourrecipients’ inboxinstead of the spam folder.

In addition, GMassallowsyou to sendautomated follow-up sequences to yourrecipients, helpingyouincreaseyour chances of getting a response. And if youneed to send a large number of emails, GMass can break Gmail’slimits and sendvirtuallyunlimited emails.



Canva is a graphic design tool that offers a wide range of templates and design elements for creating visually appealing emails. With Canva, you can easily create email headers, images, and other graphics that will grab your audience’s attention. The platform also offers a range of design tools and features to customize your designs to your brand.

One of the main benefits of usingCanva for email marketing isthatitprovides a wide range of customizable email templatesthatyou can use as a starting point for your designs. Thesetemplates are optimized for various email marketing platforms, includingMailchimp and Constant Contact, soyou can be sure thatyour emails will look great on anydevice.

In addition to templates, Canvaalsooffers a vastlibrary of stock photos, illustrations, icons, and other design elementsthatyou can use to create unique, eye-catching emails that stand out in yourrecipients’ inboxes. You can alsoeasilyaddyourownbrandingelements, such as logos and colorschemes, to ensurethatyour emails alignwithyouroverall brand identity.

Another key feature of Canva for email marketing isitsability to collaboratewith team members, clients, or collaborators. You can invite others to your design project and worktogether in real-time, makingiteasy to get feedback and make changes on the fly.




ChatGPT is a language model trained by OpenAI that can be incredibly useful for email marketers. With its vast knowledge base, ChatGPT can quickly and accurately answer a wide range of questions related to email marketing, such as how to improve email open rates, how to create effective subject lines, or how to optimize email content for mobile devices. Additionally, ChatGPT can write content for your email marketing campaigns and provide personalized recommendations based on a marketer’s specific goals and target audience. By utilizing ChatGPT, email marketers can save time and effort on research and focus on executing effective email campaigns.



Hootsuite is a social media management tool that can help you schedule and publish your social media posts. By integrating Hootsuite with your email marketing campaigns, you can share your email content on social media platforms and increase your reach.

One of the key benefits of Hootsuiteisitsability to schedule and publish social media posts and emails in advance. This can help yousave time and stayorganized by planning your social media and email campaigns in advance. You can also use Hootsuite’scalendarview to visualizeyourupcomingcampaigns and ensurethatyour messaging and promotions are alignedacross all channels.

Anotheradvantage of Hootsuiteisits social listening and monitoring features. WithHootsuite, you can track mentions of your brand, products, or services on social media and respond to customerinquiries or feedback in real-time. This can help youbuildrelationshipswithyourcustomers and improve the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns by providingvaluable insights intoyouraudience’sneeds and preferences.

In addition to its social media features, Hootsuitealsooffers email marketing integrationswithpopular email service providers like Mailchimp and Constant Contact. This allowsyou to manage your email campaignsalongsideyour social media campaignsfrom a single dashboard, makingiteasier to track and optimizeyourresults.

Finally, Hootsuitealsoprovidesanalytics and reportingfeaturesthat can help youmeasure the performance of your social media and email campaigns. WithHootsuite’sreportingtools, you can track key metrics like engagement, click-through rates, and conversions, and use this data to inform and optimizeyour future campaigns.




Grammarly is a writing assistant tool that can help you check for grammar and spelling errors in your emails. The platform offers suggestions for more concise and effective language, helping you communicate your message clearly and professionally.

One of the key features of Grammarly isitsability to detect and correct grammar and spellingerrors in real-time. This meansthat as youwriteyour email, Grammarly willunderlineerrors and suggest corrections to help youimprove the clarity and professionalism of your message. This can beespeciallyhelpfulwhenyou’recrafting important emails, such as sales pitches or customer service responses, whereevensmallmistakes can undermineyourcredibility.

In addition to grammar and spelling checking, Grammarly alsoprovides suggestions for improving the tone and style of your emails. This can beparticularlyuseful for email marketing, whereit’s important to strike the right tone to connectwithyour audience and conveyyourbrand’spersonality. Grammarly can help youidentify areas whereyourwritingmaybetooformal or too casual, and provide suggestions for makingyourlanguage more engaging and compelling.

Anotheradvantage of Grammarly isitsability to help youoptimizeyour email subjectlines. By analyzingyoursubject line, Grammarly can provide suggestions for improvingitslength, clarity, and overalleffectiveness. This can help youimproveyour email open rates and increase the chances thatyour message willberead and actedupon.


Email on Acid

Email on Acid is a tool that can help you test and preview your emails across multiple devices and email clients. By using Email on Acid, you can ensure that your emails look great and function properly, no matter how your audience is accessing them.

One of the main advantages of Email on Acid isitsability to test your emails in over 90 email clients and devices, includingpopular platforms like Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail. This can help youidentify and fix any display or rendering issues thatmaybeimpacting the appearance of your emails. You can also use Email on Acid to previewyour emails in different email clients and devices, soyou can see how theywill look to yourrecipients.

In addition to testing, Email on Acid alsoprovides a range of analytics and optimizationfeaturesthat can help youimprove the effectiveness of your emails. For example, you can use Email on Acid to analyzeyoursubjectlines, previewtext, and sendername and address to ensurethatthey are optimized for maximum open rates. You can also use Email on Acid to track the performance of your emails over time, includingmetrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Anotheradvantage of Email on Acid isits collaboration features, whichallowyou to shareyour email tests and resultswith team members or clients. This can beveryhelpful for getting feedback, makingimprovements, and ensuringthateveryoneis on the same page whenitcomes to your email marketing campaigns.



Litmus is another email testing and previewing tool that can help you optimize your email campaigns. With Litmus, you can test your emails across a range of devices and email clients, as well as track email opens, clicks, and conversions.

One of the key benefits of Litmusisitsability to test your emails in real-time across more than 90 email clients and devices. This meansyou can quicklyidentify and fix any display or rendering issues thatmaybeimpacting the appearance of your emails. You can also use Litmus to previewyour emails in different email clients and devices, soyou can see how theywill look to yourrecipients.

In addition to testing, Litmusprovides a range of analytics and optimizationfeaturesthat can help youimprove the effectiveness of your emails. For example, you can use Litmus to analyzeyoursubjectlines, previewtext, and sendername and address to ensurethatthey are optimized for maximum open rates. You can also use Litmus to track the performance of your emails over time, includingmetrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Anotheradvantage of Litmusisits collaboration features, whichallowyou to shareyour email tests and resultswith team members or clients. This can beveryhelpful for getting feedback, makingimprovements, and ensuringthateveryoneis on the same page whenitcomes to your email marketing campaigns.




Unsplash is a platform that offers free, high-quality images that you can use in your email campaigns. By using high-quality images, you can increase engagement and make your emails more visually appealing.

One of the key advantages of Unsplashis the quality of its images. With a community of photographers and designers contributing to the platform, Unsplashoffers a diverse range of high-quality photos and illustrations that are visuallystunning and can help youmake a great impression withyour audience. This isparticularly important for email marketing, where the use of visualelements like images and graphics can be a powerfultool for attracting attention and driving engagement.

Anotheradvantage of Unsplashisitsflexibility. You can use Unsplash images for a variety of email marketing purposes, fromaddingvisualinterest to promotional emails, to enhancing the aesthetic of your newsletters, to creatingcompelling email headers and footers. Unsplash images can alsobecustomized to match yourbrand’scolorscheme or style, helpingyoucreate a consistent and visuallyappealing brand image across all of your email campaigns.

Finally, Unsplashisalso free to use, makingit an affordable and accessible option for businesses and marketers of all sizes. This can beespeciallyhelpful for small businesses or freelancerswhomay have limited budgets for their email marketing efforts.



Unlayeris a drag-and-drop email editor that can beveryhelpful for email marketing. Withits user-friendly interface and powerfulcustomizationfeatures, Unlayer can help youcreatevisuallystunning and engaging emails withoutanycoding or design skills.

One of the key benefits of Unlayerisits drag-and-drop interface, whichallowsyou to easilyadd and customizevarious email elements like text, images, buttons, and social media links. This can help youcreate more visuallyappealing and engaging emails that are more likely to capture youraudience’s attention and drive conversions.

Anotheradvantage of Unlayerisits extensive library of pre-designed email templates. Thesetemplates are designed to be responsive and optimized for various email clients and devices, ensuringthatyour emails will look great on all screens. You can alsocustomizethesetemplates to match yourbrand’scolorscheme, style, and messaging, creating a consistent and professional brand image across all of your email campaigns.

In addition to itsediting and customizationfeatures, Unlayeralsoprovidesanalytics and optimizationfeaturesthat can help youtrack and improve the performance of your email campaigns. For example, you can use Unlayer to A/B test different email elements like subjectlines, images, and calls to action, to determinewhich combinations are most effective for driving conversions.

Finally, Unlayerisalsointegratedwithpopular email service providers like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Sendinblue, makingiteasy to export your emails and seamlesslyintegratethemintoyourexisting email marketing workflow.



In conclusion, email marketing can be challenging, but by using the right tools, you can optimize your campaigns and get the results you want. With the 10 free tools we’ve introduced in this article, you can create visually appealing emails, track your results, and improve your email marketing strategy. So, give these tools a try and see how they can help you take your email marketing to the next level!


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