Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

In today’s business scenario, hiring and retaining the perfect employee is one of the most difficult tasks. Managers often focus on skills that are needed to get the management job done while overlooking basic skills and personality traits which are important for being a productive employee. This can often result in bringing bad hires on board which prove costly in the long run. While every employee will possess a unique set of skills and personality traits, here are 10 qualities that make an employee ideal for an organization: –

  1. Friendly and Open

An employee should be approachable, kind and compassionate. He/she should be able to speak in such a way that makes others feel cared about. This, in the long run, fosters mutual respect.

  1. Internationally Aware

One of the most important qualities that employees today should have is a global mind-set. This means that the employee should be aware, sensitive and receptive to other cultures, customs, events, etc.

  1. Committed

There will be times and projects that require employees to work late or come in early. This especially happens when collaborating across time zones. Dedicated employees ensure that this happens without any hassle. The key factor that will keep this level of commitment for the long haul will be to use how to get motivated tactics.

  1. Adaptable

Ideal employees will be able to adjust to different personalities, cultures and ways of doing things. For instance, when working with an introvert person, they would have the emotional intelligence to know that the person requires some time before opening up.

  1. Assertive

Good employees will know how to deal with a conflict. They will understand when it is necessary to take initiative, ask for what is needed, assert opinions and provide suggestions that are not only viable but productive as well.

  1. Curious

A good employee will want to learn different ways of doing things. They will not only ponder upon how other are doing their jobs or how the organisation works, but also think how teammates are excelling at their roles. Being curious is a vital trait for gaining more knowledge.

Today each employee has the best opportunities to learn something new in a fun and engaging way. There is an abundance of online courses that you can choose and develop yourself. From the employer position, it is always appreciated that the employee would push himself to be the best in his field. Sometimes you can even ask for your boss to pay for these courses, which will save you money and show your motivation to your employer.

  1. Flexible

When your employees get work done across different geographies and time zones, the ability to change one’s schedule and process is vital. Ideal employees will be receptive to such changes. They will be open to learning new skills, software and technology to keep themselves abreast with the changing trends.

  1. Frank In Their Communication

An employee should know how to speak in a straightforward manner without being disrespectful. Good employees are clear about what they are saying and what they are expecting while expressing their point of view.

  1. Part Of The Solution, Not The Problem

The ideal employees will know how to mediate when there is a difference of opinion between team members. Good employees are able to communicate with people in the right way. These employees will do a lot of listening and have empathy and consideration towards other people’s perspectives.

  1. Take Care of their Appearance

Good employees are aware that their appearance plays an important role in their job in companies. At the same time, they also understand that different environments require different ways of work dressing. This helps ensure that they are never over or underdressed.

Employees who possess these skills are the ones who don’t just work but also add value to a workplace. They are those who take responsibility, drive initiatives and help nurture strong work ethics within an organization; they are employees which every company can do with.

Also Read – Ways to Deal with Underperforming Employees

By admin