Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Having troubles in your love life? Want to have a fresh start with stronger intimacy? This is a good-read for you. Believe us, these techniques are tried & tested & also recognized by experts. Just have a look. Thank us later.

Oh, how comforting it is to be around our loved ones! Just a warm hug can turn our gloomy day brighter, isn’t it? This read is all about enhancing intimacy & uplifting your love life. Let’s begin!

What is intimacy for you?

The real definition of intimacy could be different for all of us. At times, we enjoy the tenderness & pampering just because we want to be spoiled & fondled. That feeling of being cared for is very relaxing. We thoroughly enjoy being around our partners. While for some, it may be getting truly vulnerable & the thought of being accepted just the way they are. Intimacy is also something that leaves no secrets between you & your partner. The transparency is simply amazing! If you want to enjoy your intimacy fully then you must go with cenforce 100 or kamagra oral jelly.

Intimacy for Married Couples

We often see couples who are happier than ever as they get indulged in love & the shell of the comfort zone. As time passes by, some of them often a lack the intimacy they had in the beginning.

Maybe they never stopped loving each other the way they did in the beginning. It could be the lack of expression towards each other or some differences that brought this change.

The top-secret to keep that ‘magic’ alive even after years of marriage is to keep finding ways to express love. Never stop chasing each other even if you have been married for 10, 20, 30, or more years!

10 Ways to Spice-up your Love Life with increased Intimacy

Let’s talk more about this. If you’re here, you must be looking for some ways to spice up your love life. Let us help you out with these ten incredible tips that will bring you closer…

  1. Build & Maintain Trust

Trust is the basic thing to build & maintain, regardless of being in a relationship or not. When you’re with your partner, feel comfortable & trust them to keep your life secrets. Share your deepest fears as it will increase trustworthiness.

When your partner will feel that you trust them, they will be ready to reach any heights to maintain that trust, no matter what.

  2. Disclose more, Stay closer

You aren’t going to remain the same that you are right now. You may face different circumstances that you will share with your partner. Always share your mind with your partner & loved ones.

As said by Joel B, ‘Intimacy is a process of discovery with another’, show continuous attentiveness towards each other. Make your partner feel & believe that you are the one whom they can talk whole-heartedly. Encourage disclosure in your relationship for it will make the roots stronger.

  3. Accept each other, no matter what!

Nobody is perfect & we know this right? You may encounter some situations when your partner is not behaving/doing something up to your expectations. Just let it be. They need their space too.

Accept them just in the way they are. Sometimes, you may have a difference of opinions and distinct likings for stuff & that’s perfectly fine! Enjoy guilty pleasures together & bring it to their attention if they’re doing something wrong.

In a nutshell, they should find you in constant support in whatever they do.

  4. Spend quality time

The daily hustle may not make it possible to spend hours daily. You might undergo different work-stress while your partner may shoulder the company’s responsibilities. However, this is a part of life but it should not ruin your personal life.

Snatch some time from your busy schedules & spend quality time together. It may be your favorite coffee bar, beach hangout or simply watching a movie & cuddling together. This will recharge your love life & you’ll feel that intimacy is still alive or simply never gone!

  5. Keep the spark alive with adventures & experiments

Do you believe in “Do at least one thing in a year that scares you”? If not, give it a try at least once with your partner.

Go on trips & thrilling adventures together, have new experiences, and make memories. After all, life is either a thrilling adventure or nothing. Years later, when you’ll recall such memories, it will leave a broad smile on your face.

  6. Show affection more often

Hugging & kissing more often doesn’t limit expressing love. A confident hand-hold, patting them proudly, or giving a head-massage without asking are also similar to saying “I Love You”. You can also have deep emotional conversations that bring you close & boost up intimacy.

  7. Shuffle routine, whenever necessary

Life often gets mechanic. You wake up, have breakfast, then leave for office, get back home, and sleep. What about the dreams that you used to have with your partner? Don’t snatch away little moments of pleasure from your partner.

Take a break & shake your routine. Whenever necessary, take leave for a day or spend the weekend at a nearby getaway where you can enjoy yourselves. Not only it will make a positive impact on your relationship but also refresh your mood.

  8. Make them feel secured

Some couples think twice before disclosing critical things with their partners thinking that “How will he/she reacts?” This should not be thought of when building foundations for a greatly intimate relationship.

Your partner should always be that first person whom you approach whenever you want to share anything & vice versa. Create an emotionally comfortable zone in your relationship that they trust you as a good listener with a non-judgmental attitude.

  9. Improve yourselves as a partner

Ask yourselves often – “Am I just in a way my partner likes? Do I need to improve any habit? Am I adding a happy part of life to our relationship?”

Such self-assessing is very important when you are serious about your relationship & want to make it stronger as time passes by. You may have North-South opinions but your perspectives for each other should remain positive. Respect each other & try to improve yourselves that in turn improves your role as a partner.

  10. “Intimacy is beyond words or sex” – Prove it

We often see divorcing couples accepting the fact that they lacked the level of emotional intimacy. Like we mentioned above, intimacy means different for all of us. Some like to be touched often while some need care & warmth. Some like to be greeted with open arms despite having you nearby, that’s all.

Discover your definition of intimacy & redefine it for a healthy intimate relationship.

Two Cents for Intimate Relationship

By the time you’ve been through these tips, you must have discovered some things that relate to you in one or more ways. Make sure you improve on them one after other as the strong intimate relationship isn’t built overnight. Good things take time & as you start expressing your feelings, things will start to change & you’ll feel it too.

Want to find more ways to make intimacy in relationships? We can help you out!

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