Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

More often than not, women expect men to propose to them. Why is it that they always expect Gene X to make this call? It all started centuries ago when men were the breadwinners and women were expected to stay indoors and take care of the house.

Forget all that. It is 2020 and the world is filled with feminists who want to have an equal standing with men for all the right reasons. So why is it that in 2020 (the era of feminism), women are still expecting men to go down on one knee. We believe a lady too can be a knight in the shining armour for her prince.

In this blog, we are going to write something that will encourage women to take the call when it comes to their love life. Ladies, tell us, instead of waiting for him to propose to you, why don’t you take the leap for it?

If this idea is too new and eye-widening for you, don’t worry, we have got you covered with all the necessary information. In this blog, we will discuss a guide on how to propose to your boyfriend (because long live feminism).

How to propose to a guy?

Men suck at expressing their feelings. We all know that. But when it comes to you, my lady, there’s so much you can do to express how much you love your beau! From presenting the most breath-taking titanium rings to planning the most thoughtful holiday, women can do it all flawlessly! 

But how do you initiate the whole idea of this life-changing proposal. This is how you will go about it.

  1. Start by analysing his likes

Without saying, if you are getting married to a person, the least you must know about them is their likes and dislikes. If you have these things figured out, it will become much easier to plan out your ultimate proposal

Take this for instance: your boyfriend might be a fan or trekking, movies, food, sports, or something like that. On the basis of that, you can plan your special proposal for your better half.  So if your boyfriend is a foodie, you can plan a lovely proposal dinner date at his favorite restaurant. If he loves sports, you can plan out a date at a basketball or soccer game and then get to the proposal. Either way, consider proposing to him in a way that touches his heart. The best way to go about doing this is by proposing to him through something that’s very dear to him.

  1. Slyly keep on dropping hints to him

With men, it is never right to suddenly pop up with such big questions. If you do something like that, chances are you will catch him off guard. And that will ruin your proposal date. This is because while an amazing idea of proposal does sound surprising, you don’t want to shock him. If it has come to marriage, then you two are pretty serious and are planning a fulfilling future together. 

While you are planning out your proposal, keep on dropping subtle hints so that he can have an idea of what he can expect. This is a crucial step, don’t miss out on this before you make your big move. Dropping hints is the best way to get him prepared rather than directly shooting the million-dollar question on his face. 

If you still need more advice, check out a few articles on how to propose to your boyfriend indirectly. You will find something relevant there.

  1. Pick the right date, day, and time

No relationship is complete without those special dates. We are sure every couple has etched in their mind the first time they met with each other. They remember the location of their first date. They remember the outfit, the time, the date, and the location of their first kiss… such things are hard to forget. 

Collect these memories and relive them when you decide to propose to him. For example, you can propose to him where you went on the first date. You can propose to him on the day that you first met. You can also propose to him on the exact time and location where you guys first kissed. 

Also, before you pop the big question, make sure to ask him about where he sees his relationship going 5 years down the line. Know whether he has any big business plans. His answer on this will help you determine where he sees you in the future.

Get started with these things. We are pretty sure after carrying out these tasks, you will have a fair idea about whether he wishes to marry you in the near future or not. 

Good luck!

By admin

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