Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Alcohol is a drug depressant. When people over-consume alcohol, their neural activity slows down, leading to drunkenness, offensive speech, or irregular behaviors. When we consume alcohol, it impairs our central nervous system making it hard to focus or perform physical activities like driving or walking in a straight line.

Signs of alcohol abuse include:


  • Slurred speech
  • Lack of inhibitions
  • Loss of balance and coordination
  • Boosts in confidence
  • Chattiness


Many people wait for the alcohol to pass, but for abusers, detox is the only way to rid your body of the alcoholic effects. If you know someone that abuses alcohol or want to learn more about detoxing yourself from alcohol, read more here. We discuss the myths behind detoxing and locating the nearest alcohol detox center for those who need help.


Myth #1: You Don’t Need To Detox From Alcohol


Alcohol doesn’t possess the addictive properties of certain drugs, but for alcohol abusers, detox is necessary. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism differ. Alcoholism is a form of dependency that many suffer from because of genetics, depression, mental illness, or distress. Alcohol abuse is the overconsumption of alcohol to the point of alcohol poisoning, failure to perform responsibilities, or repetitive drinking situations to physically tricky issues. Without discipline and awareness, alcohol abuse can easily transition into alcoholism. A standard drink measurement is 14 grams of alcohol.

A standard drink amount is:


  • One can of beer = 12 ounces or 5 % alcohol
  • One glass of wine= 5 ounces or 12% alcohol
  • A single liquor pour= 1.5 ounces or 40% alcohol


Excessive alcohol consumption totals five drinks for the average man and four for women. Granted, when individuals drink for pleasure, 3-4 drinks are typical for men and women who bar-hop with friends. Anyone who excessively drinks needs to understand the process of detox.


Myth #2: You Can Detox From Home


Attempting to detox from home can do more harm than good. Detoxing at home is a dangerous and potentially fatal practice for alcohol abusers. Alcohol withdrawal increases your blood pressure and causes epilepsy and hysteria. Finding a reputable alcohol detox center is a viable option for safe detox monitored by medical professionals.


Myth #3: Alcohol Detoxing Is Easy


Quite the opposite. Detox is not an easy process. Depending on the abuser’s dependent state, the detox process can take longer than others. The average timeframe is between five to seven days based on your weight, age, and drinking history. Alcohol withdrawal can produce very discomfort, side effects, and liver complications. A common medication used for alcohol detox is Benzodiazepine. This drug helps navigate the fatal side effects of detox and shock from your body. Benzodiazepine slows down your brain to produce a relieving sensation and treat any feelings of insomnia, muscle contractions, and anxiety.


Myth #4: I Don’t Need To Detox


Many people believe detox is unnecessary because they don’t want to admit they have a problem. Alcohol addiction affects millions of people worldwide, both men and women, so you’re not alone. Finding the right support system will guide you in the right direction towards better health. An alcohol detox center provides step-by-step guidance and support to help you get past alcohol abuse. After the detoxing process, the center offers support groups and communities to learn more about how to discipline yourself off of alcohol and share stories with people facing the same struggles.


What An Alcohol Detox Center Can Do For You


If you are an alcohol abuser or someone you know abuses alcohol and they’re looking to get clean, find a local alcohol detox center near you. A detox center is a healing environment to learn about alcoholism and why you may depend on it. A center is a powerful place to sober up and help you with future challenges through peer support and continuing care.

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