Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Menopause is a transition into a new stage of life and often starts in the late 40s or early 50s and lasts a few years. At least two-thirds of menopausal people have symptoms of menopause, like night sweats, mood swings, irritation, and fatigue. Fortunately, gynecology New York can help you deal with symptoms of menopause and ensure you enjoy your life as usual.

Many individuals use natural vitamins and treatments to seek relief from their menopause signs. Here are natural remedies to alleviate symptoms of menopause.

  1.   Eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D

Hormonal changes brought on by menopause can weaken bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis.  Therefore, you need to consume enough calcium and vitamin D as they help to build strong bones.

Dairy items like yogurt, milk, and cheese are among the many foods that are high in calcium. Green, leafy veggies like spinach, kale, and collard greens are also high in calcium. It is also prevalent in tofu, sardines, legumes, and other foods.

Additionally, foods fortified with calcium, such as certain cereals, fruit juice, or milk substitutes, are also excellent sources.

  1.   Maintain a healthy weight

Weight gain during menopause is typical. This results from genetics, age, lifestyle, and fluctuating hormones.

Excess body fat, especially around the waist, raises the risk of acquiring illnesses, including diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, body weight may affect menopausal symptoms.

According to research losing at least 10 pounds (4.5 kg) or 10% of your body weight over a year can help to eliminate night sweats and hot flashes.

  1.   Exercise regularly

Although there is no proof that exercising treats hot flashes and night sweats, it benefits menopausal women. These advantages include increased metabolism and energy, stronger bones and joints, less stress, and better sleep.

In addition to improving general health, regular exercise has been linked to a lower risk of developing illnesses and disorders like obesity, heart disease, cancer, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. Studies suggest that regular exercise may help lower the risk of heart disease in menopausal women, whose risk is already significantly increased.

  1.   Drink enough water

Dryness is a common problem throughout menopause. This results from a drop in estrogen levels. Drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water per day helps alleviate these symptoms.

Additionally, drinking water helps deal with bloating due to hormonal fluctuations. Furthermore, water can aid in weight reduction and prevent weight gain by making you feel full and slightly raising your metabolism. Drinking 500 ml of water 30 minutes before a meal may help you consume fewer calories.

  1.   Avoid the trigger foods

Some foods can affect mood and cause night sweats, hot flashes, and other symptoms. When consumed at night, they may become triggers even more frequently. Examples of common triggers include alcohol, caffeine, and meals that are sweet or spicy.

Keep a record of your symptoms. If you believe that certain foods make your menopausal symptoms worse, consider cutting back on your intake or avoiding them altogether.

Menopause is not a disease. It is an inevitable aspect of life. Eating the right foods and exercising may help reduce and even avoid its symptoms, although they can sometimes be tough to manage.

Try out the tips above to make your life through menopause and thereafter simpler and more pleasurable. Call Anna Barbieri, MD, to learn to book your appointment for treatments to manage your menopause symptoms.

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