Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

There are many reasons why we fear getting older, from health and beauty reasons to mental health worries. So, with the anti-aging trend of mixing collagen into your morning coffee, comes another trend…daily sudoku for senior citizens. Yes, daily sudoku performance may have a significant relationship to working memory and is a great form of mental exercise for older folks. Here are five reasons why playing free sudoku puzzle games are beneficial for seniors:

  1. It Keeps Your Mind Active

It’s a scary fact that with age our attention, focus, and concentration start to decline. Just like it’s important to keep your body fit while you’re aging, think of doing daily sudoku puzzles as keeping your mind fit. It’s a fun and entertaining way to challenge and exercise the brain. 

  1. It Improves Short Term Memory

By playing sudoku puzzle games you are asking your brain to keep track of which numbers are present and which are still needed on your grid. Why is this significant? It’s practicing your short-term memory recall. And although young people tend to easily remember what happened a few days or hours ago, this can get tricky as you age. 

  1. It Keeps Your Mind Sharp

Mental decline is a scary reality for seniors. The days of quick thinking are on their way out unless, of course, you start to put in the effort to keep your mind sharp and active. This is where sudoku puzzles come in, they can continue to challenge your brain as it ages. 

  1.   It’s Fun

Not only is sudoku fun but it gives seniors a pastime to enjoy because, let’s face it, if they are retired, they can often find themselves with lots of free time. It’s a very enjoyable game, and many senior clubs even host sudoku competitions and challenges – so it’s not just for playing on your own, it can be quite social too.

  1.   Quality Family Time

Seniors’ time with their family changes as they age, with family outings like hikes or physical activities taking a backseat. However, you can replace these kinds of outings with fun sudoku challenges over lunch. And, with the many different difficulty levels sudoku offers, the grandkids can get involved too and you can enjoy a friendly family competition too.

So not only do daily sudoku puzzles have the ability may help ward off declining memory in older age, but this fun pastime also helps to keep your mind and thinking skills in tip-top shape. 

If you’re a senior or have an older parent or grandparent, download Easybrain’s app, and put it on their tablet or phone so they can start exercising their brain straight away, wherever they are. A sudoku app will not only provide them with thousands of free sudoku puzzles games but offers daily challenges, the opportunity to take part in seasonal events, and to track their progress – perfect for the goal-driven senior. Install your sudoku app today!

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