Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Thanks to medical advances over the years, you can reduce the appearance of aging by going for a facelift procedure. Its goal is to achieve younger-looking skin by reducing saggy skin. Surgeons do this by pulling a flap of skin on each side of the face. Although facelifts correct wrinkles caused by aging, they cannot eradicate those caused by sun damage.

There are different types of facelifts that you can get when you visit any Toronto facelift clinic. If you are curious about the different types, here are five below.

Precision Lift

This procedure combines a laser system with liposuction to treat the appearance of aging and weight gain on the face. During the treatment, your doctor will use intravenous sedation instead of general anesthesia. That means you will not experience any side effects, which is common with the latter. Another benefit of the procedure is that it lasts only 30-45 minutes, allowing you to resume your activities immediately.

This procedure is suitable for people who exhibit mild and significant signs of aging. The difference is that doctors will use slightly different techniques to achieve the expected results.

Signature Lift

A signature lift is a procedure that achieves a youthful look without making incisions. As a result, your recovery time will be shorter. However, you will still need to miss work and avoid strenuous activities to facilitate healing.

During this procedure, your surgeon will use products rich in enzymes, vitamins, lactic acid, and glycolic acid. They reduce the redness of your skin while also brightening and tightening it. This procedure is right for people between 40-60 years who lack heaviness in the bottom of the face and neck.

Profile Lift

If you are fed up with double chins or jowling along your jawline, this is the procedure for you. This technique combines liposuction to boost skin tightening.

During the procedure, the surgeon creates access points under the chin and at the base of your earlobes. That is how the doctor will be able to contour your jawline. If you are aged 20-60 and have excess fat under the chin, consider a profile lift.

Cheek Lift

This procedure corrects sagging cheeks. A cheek lift is necessary when other facelifts do not adequately treat the upper cheek and lower eyelid. Besides saggy cheeks, patients with hollowness beneath the eyes and those without any medical conditions that can impede healing are eligible.

Before a cheek lift, there are measures you must observe. You should not take any aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs since they will increase the risk of bleeding. Also, you should not smoke within two weeks before the procedure.

Deep Plane Facelift

This technique repositions deep structures under the skin, known as the Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System (SMAS). The more the SMAS is tightened, the more youthful you will appear. After the procedure, your face should look good for the next 10-15 years.

Although young people can do a deep plane facelift, the ideal person is a senior citizen with severe skin laxity in the jaw and neck.

We have established that facelifts can last 10-15 years. That means when the period elapses, you may start showing signs of aging. It is upon you to decide whether or not you will go for another facelift. Unfortunately, your facelift can last shorter than ten years if you adopt certain habits. To prevent that from happening, you should minimize excessive sun exposure. If you must expose yourself, use sunglasses and sunblock.

Another way to care for your skin is by eating a balanced diet. Be sure to include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your meals.

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