Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Digital marketing also helps in improving your exposure and your website is usually more found when you have good digital marketing.

Build Relationships

If you really want to succeed in the digital marketing world, you have to build relationships.

Asking customers for help is a lot better than having a customer.

For example, I had this customer of mine who I constantly sent emails to ask about the service he received. The customer didn’t respond to any of my emails.

One day I send him an email and said, “Hi. This is Mike. How are you? Please give me an update.” He responded and asked me if I could help. I told him to check out my site and send me some feedback.

  • He immediately sent me a new service.
  • We built a great relationship.
  • The last thing I can say about building relationships is, seek help from fellow marketers.

What I mean is, asking a friend to be a mentor. He can always pass on the knowledge and skills that he gained from the other vendors.

Ask your friends to help you out on digital marketing. Not only will you have someone to consult with, but you can also ask for help and learn things on the go.

Put your customers at the center of your marketing strategy

Don’t sell to your customers, sell to your customers.

When your customer is at the center of your marketing strategy, you will have an easier time building relationships and have more opportunity for success.

For example, I have this client who often comes to me asking me how to build traffic to his website. He told me that he is a company that offers a digital marketing service.

I told him to send me his pricing list, and I can do some analysis on his website.

If he can’t provide me with the pricing list, he should do some research and find out what he should be charging for his services.

He agreed.

However, he only sent me the pricing list after I told him to do a pricing analysis.

On the other hand, I also have this client who wanted me to help her build traffic to her website. She had a well-designed blog but her website was not receiving enough traffic.

I decided to help her build traffic.

I helped her to find out what the competition is selling. Then, I helped her to pick out what she can offer customers that will get them their website to get a lot of traffic.

She then setup a landing page and she was very successful in getting more traffic.

Why is the first customer better than the second one?

The reason is that the first customer was in the center of the marketing strategy. He sought help from me and trusted my opinion. I thought about his problem, built a strategy, and then sent him my recommendations.

The second customer has not given me anything or solicited my help.

A crucial mistake is making the customers feel that you are just coming to see them, instead of making them feel that you are there to help them.

Leverage Social media

Social media is one of the fastest growing areas in the marketing industry.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube, and more. The important thing is that you need to leverage the social media platforms for a certain purpose.

For example, one of the most popular Facebook pages of my company, MicroVision, is about my daughter. I am trying to sell my daughter’s story to promote my company. The purpose of this page is to promote the benefits of our product, to build more trust and goodwill.

However, there are other reasons why I created this page. I would like to attract more buyers to my company.

Using Facebook ads to sell your business to your target audience is not very different from sales via social media.

If you get people to like your page and share your posts on Facebook, then you have successfully driven traffic to your page.

Also, using Instagram to sell your business is very much the same as social media.

Using Instagram ads to sell your business is not a new concept. However, using Instagram ads is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience and sell your business.

To have a successful website, you have to enhance it with many elements. These elements range from author boxes and guest posts to coming soon pages. But of course, according to the type of website, you will pick the elements that suit it best.

Build strong relationships with other marketplaces

Our goal is to help companies and sellers get more customers. We are not just an eCommerce website. We also have an eBay store.

My company is going to help you ship your products using the safe, secure and convenient shipping services.

Instead of buying products from your store on eBay, you can sell to eBay.

Also, instead of selling your product on Amazon, you can sell your products on eBay.

Having these two eCommerce stores allows us to reach a wide audience and sell to an audience that have similar buying habits.

There are also other sites where you can sell your products, like Facebook marketplace.

You can also advertise your products on many other websites as a merchant or you can advertise your products on other websites like Amazon.

Our ultimate goal is to sell more goods to more people.

Read Ecommerce Business Profits

Here is the really big secret. When you are selling products or services online, you don’t have to waste a lot of time.

You only have to worry about your website design, landing page, and what your homepage says.

The only time when you need to spend a lot of time on marketing is when you have to promote your products.

Build a Relationship with Your Customers

When you are successful, you will build a relationship with your customers.

When you build a relationship with your customers, they will do anything to help you grow your business.

Most people are eager to help. I have seen countless people share their opinions and reviews on my blog.

These people genuinely care about my company and have a stake in my business. They want to help me get even more customers.

However, when they share their opinion, it is for their personal interest.

You should make it a point to share your personal experiences, opinions, feedback, and ideas with your customers.

Only if you are sharing your personal experience and knowledge with your customers, you will be able to gain their trust and develop a relationship with them.

This makes it easy for them to recommend your business to their friends and family.

Have Your Name in Better Places

When your customers share your business on social media, you should be able to track them easily.

If you notice that some of the sites are sharing your link but not giving you any credit, then you should know that your name and company’s name are not in the best places.

Sites should be providing you with a link to your company page. That way, your name and company’s name are more likely to be linked to and visible to customers.

By admin

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