Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

There are many senior citizen health insurance plans that are available in India these days. While these plans offer many beneficial features, there is some very factual information you need to be aware of. Unfortunately, many myths get circulated about these plans. You should definitely look to segregate the myths and the facts before you buy a senior citizen health insurance plan. Take a look at this article to know what the myths and facts are and then find your ideal cover.

Myth # 1 – Only sick people need to invest in a senior citizen health insurance plan

This is a very sad myth that many people seem to believe in. Health insurance is a requirement and more so for the older people. Your parents and grandparents may be fit and healthy today, but with age, many health issues crop up. And they can show up out of nowhere and cause many problems. To ensure you as well as your seniors have the proper resources to deal with these issues, get health insurance. There are many health insurance plans available and so keeping your beloved parents and grandparents won’t be difficult at all.

Myth # 2 – A family floater health plan is enough

A family floater health insurance plan may cover your parents. However, it may not be sufficient. This is because the coverage available on such a policy is fixed. The sum insured is shared by all the members of the family. As we all know, senior citizens have more fragile health conditions and may require frequent medical care. At such a time, the entire sum insured on the family floater policy may get exhausted by the senior. None may be left for the others in the family. Alternatively, the sum insured may be used up by the other family members and enough medical cover may not be available for the senior. To avoid such situations, it’s always good to get a separate senior citizen health insurance plan for your parents.

Myth # 3 – The senior citizen health insurance plans are unaffordable 

This is another unfortunate myth that holds a lot of people back and not health insurance plans. These health insurance plans are not overly expensive. Yes, they are costlier than a regular cover. This is mainly because the senior plans cover many pre-existing ailments and also offer benefits such as no pre-policy tests. And the coverage offered is comprehensive and large. You do end up paying a slightly higher premium. But in return, you also get an excellent health insurance cover that proves to be worth every penny.

Myth # 4 – The group health cover is enough 

Most of the employed people have a group health insurance policy. The plan offers protection to everyone in the family, including the employee’s aged parents. Many people think this cover is enough and so they do not invest in a separate senior citizen health insurance plan. This is a huge myth that you should never believe in. your group health cover is only valid till you stay employed. If for some reason you lose your job, your parents, who are vulnerable to ailments, will lose the insurance cover. It will then become tremendously difficult for you to get them treated at a good hospital. This is why a separate senior health plan is needed at all times.

Myth # 5 – Senior citizen health insurance is a farce 

Another strange myth that goes around is that every senior citizen health insurance plan is a farce. People seem to think that these plans never pay out the claims and the money they pay goes to waste. This is completely untrue. There are some exclusions and clauses mentioned in every health insurance policy, including the senior citizen health insurance plans. You just need to be aware of those. If you adhere to the clauses and make a proper claim, you will rarely face a rejection.

Myth # 6 – The insurers are not cooperative

Senior citizens, at times, take a little longer to grasp concepts. Understanding modern products like online insurance plans also may be challenging for them. Thus, one needs to be patient with them and help to get their doubts cleared. Many people feel the insurance providers do not cooperate during such times. They speak surely to the policyholders, which dissuade them from getting a health insurance plan. This is not true either. Most of the leading insurance companies have excellent customer support teams. The executives speak in a professional and friendly manner and ensure the policyholder’s doubts are always cleared.

Myth # 7 – A senior citizen health insurance plan has limited covers

This is a silly myth that you should stay away from. These plans are very comprehensive and cover everything from diagnostic tests to hospital charges to pre and post-hospital care. When you buy a senior citizen health insurance plan for your parents, you rest assured that they will receive the best care when needed.

Myth # 8 – My parents would need hospitalisation to get the claim

This is not entirely true, as many of the health plans for seniors cover daycare procedures. Domiciliary care, pre and post-hospital care and OPD expenses are other covers found under the senior citizen health insurance plans. Thus, to make a claim, your parents most definitely won’t require hospitalization each time!

Stay away from the myths. Just get a good insurance plan to keep your adorable parents and grandparents happy and healthy.

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