Sun. May 5th, 2024

Taking a Digital marketing course in Lahore can help entrepreneurs, professionals, agencies and students to take better advantage of the market.

As Digital Marketing is a relatively new field, many people look for courses in the area, both to have an introduction to the subject and to deepen their knowledge.

And it is not for less. To achieve a global understanding of the elements that are part of the machinery for generating potential customers, training is essential in Digital marketing course in Lahore s.

Plus, new advances and tools are released every month, so there’s always something new to learn. Every year more social media platforms are born; Google changes its algorithm and changes our compass when making digital strategies.

Video Course: Digital Marketing with SEO Cottage

Learn about Digital Marketing in 2022 together with SEO Cottage. In video we will teach you about what it is, why it is important, what it is for and how to start implementing it to improve the growth of your company.

We will explain the most used strategies and channels and some examples so that you understand them better in this free Digital marketing course in Lahore.

We are going to talk about metrics and we really like it because it is our day to day. Good marketers are characterized by 3 things:

Know as many strategies as possible.

Diagnose which one makes the most sense for your business.

Apply and measure with mastery and consistency.

You will be filled with powerful tools that you will use when creating your strategic Marketing plan.

Why start a free Digital marketing course in Lahore?

In this video course, we will explain what Digital Marketing consists of and how each of its stages is involved in your digital strategy.

Taking a Digital marketing course in Lahore can be useful for various professionals at different points in their careers.

For entrepreneurs, for example, the popularization of the Internet brings the opportunity to promote different types of businesses. However, in order to do this, it is important to know how Digital Inbound Marketing works and how to apply it within your company.

Taking this online course helps you gain a better understanding of the market, save time choosing learning content, and gain the guidance you need to create the best possible strategy and apply best practices to your business.

In turn, for professionals such as managers, analysts and consultants, a Digital marketing course in Lahore is a valuable resource for training and constant updating, to carry out activities within the company and a possible differential in their study plan.

In addition, at SEO Cottage we have developed 3 special courses, where you can learn all the fundamentals of Digital Marketing, focused on the Inbound Marketing methodology.

Inbound Marketing (Free)

The free SEO Cottage Inbound Marketing Course is a video course taught by SEO Cottage experts, where we explain what Digital Results Marketing consists of and how each of its stages is involved in your Marketing strategy.

Through 5 episodes and a total of 50 min, you will learn the entire process by which potential prospects are qualified and selected, to become real opportunities that end up in sales for your business. Everything, through Digital Marketing actions.

In the classrooms you will be able to approach and become an expert in the following topics:

What is audience attraction: channels and strategies such as Content Marketing?

What is the process of converting visitors to Leads or sales prospects?

How to perform lead nutrition.

What is Marketing Automation?

How the sales model works with Inbound Marketing

How it helps to have analysis in Digital Marketing.

Learn about SEO Cottage’s free Digital marketing course in Lahore here and start your studies now.

SEO Cottage: Advanced Inbound Marketing Course

In this video course, our experts explain how you can manage and implement an inbound strategy from the Marketing and Sales area in your work.

During virtual classes, we will deepen the topics seen in the previous course. You will be able to take your Inbound Marketing strategy to the next level, approach the leads generated by your strategy and achieve the opportunities that your company needs.

During the course you will see the following topics:

In classes we will address:

Construction of ICP (ideal customer profile).

Content production to attract visitors/Leads.

Ways to find good topics for articles. Business Studies

Buy ads.

What is a Qualified Lead?

How to use Lead Scoring and have the history of your leads.

Differences between MQL and SAL.

Consistency in marketing delivery.

How to pass the prospect from Marketing to Sales.

Lead recipient profile.

Sales pitch adjustment with Lead history.

Profit in the Inbound Sales model.

How to choose digital marketing tools.

Get to know our Advanced Inbound Marketing Course here and start your studies now.

SEO Cottage: Course of our platform in Plan Light

In this video course, we will explain how to use this Light Plan and start your digital marketing strategy for results.

We will teach you the stages of the sales funnel in practice to develop your Marketing strategy.

During the classes, you will learn functionalities such as Landing Pages, Email Campaigns to communicate with your audience, Mail Automation to make email sequences, Pop Ups to include on your website and import your contact base.

Get to know our Tutorial: SEO Cottage Marketing Light Plan here and start the path to take your strategy to the next level.

Other free Digital marketing course in Lahore s

In addition to our video course, there are different free courses on the web for those who want to train in the world of Digital Marketing. Do you have doubts about where to start? Do not worry. We have selected 5 more courses that you can start to develop new skills or stay updated.

 1- Google Get Active: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Google offers free training to empower people in the online world. Through Google Activate, you have access to different courses of Digital Marketing for initiation and updating.

One of them is the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing, with which you can learn everything you need to start working on your strategies.

Accredited by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), this basic 40-hour course has 26 modules created by Google instructors and includes a variety of hands-on exercises and real-life examples to help you get results.

Google Analytics (Free)

Google Analytics is an essential tool for any company that wants to measure the results of their Marketing efforts. And it is that without metrics, we would be working blindly, don’t you think?

Within the Google Analytics Academy portal, you will be able to understand how Google’s measurement tools work, so you can grow your business by analyzing and collecting real data.

Here you can find two extremely important courses: Google Analytics for Beginners, where new users learn how to create an account, implement a tracking code and configure data filters; and Google Analytics Advanced Course, where the most experienced user will discover how data is collected and processed to generate easy-to-understand reports.

Semrush Academy: SEO Basics Course with Greg Gifford

If you want to learn the basics of SEO, this free Digital marketing course in Lahore is for you. In just 4 hours, with Greg Gifford (Dealer On’s Director of Search and Social Media), you’ll be able to discover how SEO works, how to get more traffic and drive more customers to your website.

In this SEO Fundamentals Course, you will discover the basic concepts in the matter and learn, together with a world-class expert, how to enhance the positioning of your website.

After completing the course, you will have all the knowledge necessary to take and pass a basic concepts exam. Upon passing it, you will obtain a certificate endorsed by Semrush, one of the most important content development and optimization tools in the world.

Course: Social Network Strategies

This virtual course platform offers a free license for 7 days. You can take advantage of that time to take courses such as Social Network Strategies, endorsed by the Universidad Austral de Chile, where you can acquire the initial knowledge to create the objectives, strategies and tactics for the social networks of your Digital Marketing plan.

You will learn the best techniques to work on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn; including content strategies, ads and statistics. The course lasts 20 hours and will give you the necessary foundations to start a successful social media strategy for your company.

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