Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

JEE Mains mistakes: Who doesn’t make mistakes? All of us make a mistake one way or another. Problem is if these mistakes cost you your entry into the IITs and resultantly, your career. What if we told you, you could save yourself from these dangerous mistakes and save yourself a lifetime of regrets? Okay, that might be a little more dramatic than necessary but it is more or less true, isn’t it? Here are a few common and dangerous mistakes that one must avoid while preparing for JEE.

JEE Mains Mistakes that students commit:

  • Thinking that only students who go to coaching hubs like Kota/Hyderabad will get you into IITs:

Have you ever met or heard of the multitudes of students who did go to these places and didn’t make it to IITs? No. Because no one wants to talk about them. All that ever gets attention are those who do make it into the IITs. These places are rather tough, unfair, fully money-minded, and treat students as their business. You definitely don’t want to put so much at stake when you can easily crack the JEE Mains from wherever you are. All you need is some discipline and maybe some online class or app to prepare you for the exam. Going to faraway places has truly just become a fad now and might have set a pattern, but you truly don’t have to fall into this whole different life to crack an exam. All you need is some discipline and if you must have an external aid, there are plenty of online classes and platforms to do a much better job than any of those coaching hubs can do with personal attention.

2. Burdening yourself under the spectrum of “reference books”:

First of all, many students ignore the NCERTs because they have this sense of going above and beyond the usual to get into IITs. But how will you go above and beyond when your foundation isn’t strong enough? One of the common JEE Mains mistakes that students do is try to do too many things. They instead end up biting more than what they can chew and that just leads to not being able to digest the important stuff. Questions and theories in most books are common. Definitely, have more practice questions with JEE Main answer key, and give regular tests. Use online platforms like Toppr maybe to check your speed and accuracy in tests, check which subject needs attention, keep being consistent. The key is always smart hard work. Blind hard-work just confuses you and burdens you.

3. Drifting away from the syllabus:

Another one of the JEE Mains mistakes is that students see all of these difficult exams like FITJEE that seem to be a one-way ticket to IITs. Truth is those exams are made in a way that’s impossible to solve them. Those are not even IIT level. They are way up and beyond IIT level. Trying to crack these exams and deflecting from your IIT preparation path is of no sense at all. Once you have set your goal, stick with it. Stick with your JEE syllabus and don’t let your peer circle intimidate you. Always up your game and you will be far ahead in your scores from others.

4. Moving from one test to another without analysing each one of them thoroughly:

Students often get de-sensitized to tests and just take them for the sake knocking them off a checklist. This is one of those JEE mains mistakes you shouldn’t let happen to you. You are taking these tests to learn and grow from each one of them. Each one matters in your growth chart. Always look back at your tests and notice where you made mistakes, what are the places of improvement, the scope of saving time? Maybe use online platforms that measure this for you so all you have to do is make a note of these things and not repeat your mistakes. Every test is an opportunity to grow. Don’t just give a test and get over it. Use old JEE question papers and compare them with their JEE Main answer key. The paper analysis is basically all you need to know about your JEE preparation.

5. Erratic and inconsistent preparation:

Any IITian you ask will tell you that the key to JEE preparations is consistent hard work. You cannot study 18 hours one day and just skip another day. If you want to be a natural with solving everything well in your JEE exam, you need form a habit of it. And habits are not formed with inconsistency. Your growth chart goes up or down based on your consistency. How many students we see that have ranks in AITs that are poles apart. For whatever reason students drop their study graph, the results are always visible. So don’t let stress, or peer pressure or anything come in between your dreams. Always hold your head up and keep moving.

6. Ignoring your health and hobbies:

All work, no play makes Jack a dull boy. What you eat shows up in your performance. You cannot eat junk food all the time and expect to be alert and in the best health. Also, your mental health is equally important as your physical health. So, maybe get into 10 minutes of calming meditation daily to de-stress and approach with a composed and collected mind. A balanced approach is what works, not extremes. Why don’t you de-stress and kick-off your shoes every once in a while? Everyone has hobbies. Don’t be afraid to give some amount of your time there whenever you need it. It’s completely alright, no need to guilt about it. You’d be surprised how recharged and up you feel when you are relaxed. That way your mind is in a better position to grasp more.

7. Having way too many distractions:

In this day and age, we have everything under the sun that is not exactly catalyst to your career growth. One of the biggest JEE Mains mistakes is to get distracted by the dozens of distractions we have today. Sometimes it’s Game of Thrones, then the football match, then the new Avengers movie, then something else. Social media is a black hole. You just get sucked right in and before you know it, your 4 hours have been wasted scrolling through random events in the life of random people. Access makes addiction. Limit your access to the distractions you have (everyone has one). If you don’t have the facebook app on your phone, maybe it won’t be so easy for you to log in and scroll through impulsively. You are a human with limited mind-space and these are the shaping years of your life. We know it sucks that these crucial years are at such a young age of yours. But don’t worry. Once you do get into IITs, life is more fun than you imagined.

With that, we hope you look after yourself well, keep a consistent approach and don’t let the peer pressure get to you. Strive every day to up your own game and you are sure to get far ahead in the competition. All the very best!

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