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Best practices to keep astigmatism at bay By: Hassaan Javaid Best practices to keep astigmatism at bay:When things close to you appear blurry and those at a distance are clear is a vision anomaly known in common as farsightedness. Likewise, when nearby objects are clear whereby faraway view is a blur refers to near-sightedness. But then, there’s a third condition when eyesight’s completely blurred which associates to a common refractive error namely astigmatism. There’re however procedures and best practices to improve the vision and cure astigmatism for good. Astigmatism: An overview Occurrence of astigmatism happens mostly when eyes aren’t completely spherical. That said, an eyeball should be ‘round’ or a perfect circle but, almost no one have such perfectly round eye which technically means, a little bit of astigmatism is present in everyone. The real vision problem associated to astigmatism is most obvious in severe cases where eyes are shaped like a football. This is the case when light enters the eye and diverges unevenly in various directions. A spherical eyeball would bend the light evenly for a perfectly clear view which means that uneven bending would result in blur vision. Types & causes Most children develop astigmatism in their infancy due to heredity which is why getting acquainted with the family history is significant for accurate diagnosis and treatment. It can also develop after sustaining an eye injury, following a disease or as a post-surgical side-effect. Two types of astigmatism are common namely regular and irregular respectively. Regular astigmatism is when the eye’s shaped like a football or perhaps back of the spoon whereas irregular astigmatism is an eye that’s completely unsymmetrical; shape’s almost random. Diagnosis Astigmatism is diagnosed post eye exam which is performed by an expert eye doctor or by immediate assistant(s) under supervision. Diagnosis of regular astigmatism is performed by a retinoscope during which a light flash is beamed in the eye to see if it bends. In case it does and unevenly, chances are high that the person has astigmatism. Irregular astigmatism is diagnosed in a different way which includes the usual retinoscope examination as well as corneal topography which is imaging of the corneal curvature’s surface. This particular test is important when eyeglasses are needed for astigmatism.     Treatments Astigmatism can be treated in lots of ways however unfortunately, it can’t be completely cured. Undergoing Lasik in Dubai, corrective eyewear and certain eye exercises as well as rich diet are known to improve the onset of astigmatism. Corrective eyewear Wearing prescribed eyeglasses or contact lenses is one of the most common form of treating astigmatism; both regular and irregular. Specialised lenses would be required most probably for those suffering from irregular astigmatism which allows the lens to offer optimum performance and fits perfectly to irregular cornea. Gas permeable lenses are also effective against irregular astigmatism which let the natural tear film of the eye to complement corneal irregularities. It’s perfect harmony of science and nature working to offer the best possible vision treatment. That said, regular astigmatism is treated simply with contact lenses or eyeglasses but, be sure the prescription is being updated regularly else it can worsen the condition if remained unmonitored. Conclusion Doctor may also suggest having Lasik in Abu Dhabi for long-term prevention against astigmatism but only after detailed eye exam and patient’s specific condition.]]>

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