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7 Reasons Social Media is Becoming the Backbone of Any Business

Social media marketing in 2018 is no more limited to socializing. From connecting people to being a news hub, social media has come across a long journey.

Moreover, after entering into a digital era, this interactive platform is now an important business tool. According to a survey conducted in Mumbai, it is seen that 80% of the companies take aid of a social media agency to promote their businesses.

In fact, digital marketing is made easier with social media imparting brand value to a company and generating better ROI. So, if a business of any scale wants to taste success and a better B2C relationship, here’s how social media proves to be a utilitarian option:

Increase brand awareness

On platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, millions of users are living their lives virtually. So, with adequate marketing in social media, a company gets the benefits of more users’ access.

This, in turn, hugely increases brand awareness amongst the existing as well as the potential customers.

Humanize a brand

It is undeniably a fact that people value people, not a bot. So, when a brand takes part in interactive activities on social media, customers experience connection on a personal level.

This way both new and existing customers have a chance to see the human side of a brand. With more interaction and communication through various online platforms, the audience establishes an emotional attachment towards a company.

Draws traffic to a website

With interesting infographics and contents posted on social media platforms, a company gains lot of followers on its page. This, in turn, helps draw organic traffic on its official website.

Moreover, by sharing interactive content on the website helps readers know about a company’s service/products in details.

Crisis management

Any company may undergo a crisis at any time, and tackling those situations often becomes a daunting task. Paving the path to a bad reputation, a company may even lose substantial customers leading to miscommunication.

In such situations, social media comes to the rescue. Managing the tough phase with proper posts and interactions, a company can seamlessly execute their crisis management strategy.

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Generate leads

Lead generation is one of the most important benefits of using social media. Statistics states that with routine use of social media, a brand has tremendous conversion rates than its non-social media user peers.

Increase in sales

Social media possesses the power to sell anything and everything. The reason behind this is its massive user base of different tastes and interests acting as sales funnels.

If done correctly, with the assistance of social media marketing, prospects can become new customers increasing sales of a company.


Lastly, social media marketing is a cost-effective option. In fact, it is way more beneficial than the traditional marketing in terms of cost and efficiency.

Jamming the points mentioned above, one can easily decipher social media is ubiquitous for any and every business. However, if you still find it hard to understand the tactics of social media marketing, you may hire a social media agency to make your company more prominent than ever.


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