Thu. May 2nd, 2024

So you’re moving into a smaller apartment …


Downsizing requires you to be thoughtful about what goes into your new place. But when you’re done with the move, your life will be a lot easier.

Think of your move as an opportunity to get rid of stuff that’s been weighing you down.

If you’ve let collections build up, now’s the time to trim the fat. You’ll feel lighter, and it’ll be easier setting up shop in a smaller apartment.

Below are five tips to help you downsize. We could all use some advice to help us declutter and get settled into new digs, so here goes:

1. Adopt a Minimalist Mentality

When you start purging your belongings, remember it’s about more than just getting rid of things. Eliminating items is a practice you should try to stick to moving forward.

Having a minimalist mentality will prevent you from buying items you don’t need. Why go through all that effort if you’re just going to clutter up your apartment again?

That’s why, for you to live comfortably in a small space, you must alter your habits moving forward.

One way to do this is by adopting a one-in, one-out policy. For every new item you buy, get rid of an item you already own. That way, you’ll be pickier about what you bring into your home.

If you’re wondering whether you actually need the item you’re thinking about buying, you probably don’t. It’s better to stick to the essentials instead of filling your home with clutter.

2. Say Goodbye to Duplicates

Do you really need two toasters? Four soap dishes? I mean, really?

If you have a backup for every backup item, you should part with a few things.

Don’t worry:

If you’ve gone overboard, it’s not too late to go back.

Sit down and make a list of the items you have. If you have three raincoats, for example, it might be wise to donate one or two of them. It doesn’t make sense to own extras when you don’t use them.

The same goes for kitchen accessories. No one need ten spatulas!

Some duplicates come in handy, but others just take up space. Only keep extras of belongings that you use and go through frequently. Drop the rest off at a local charity and give them to someone who needs them.

3. Start an Inspiration File

Before you move, search the internet for inspiration. This will open your eyes to the possibilities of living in a small apartment, and it will help you come up with design ideas.

Pinterest is an excellent site with lots of inspiring photos. You can even group your pictures on separate “boards” to keep them in organized categories.

Houzz is another site that’s full of apartment decorating and layout ideas. Their blog is also packed with organization tips, which will help you keep your new place tidy.

Both of these sites will bring out your inner interior designer!

4. Buy “Invisible” Furniture Pieces

In a small apartment, simple furniture is better. Too many ornate details will make your home look cluttered.

Find pieces with streamlined wooden or metal frames. Both styles of furniture look sleek in small apartments.

Glass furniture is great too. It almost looks invisible, so it can make your apartment seem bigger than it reall is. And the slick look of glass decor will undoubtedly impress guests.

This type of furniture is sure to look fantastic in your apartment, no matter how small your place may be.

5. Invest in Storage Solutions

If you already have a ton of storage essentials, then downsized living will be a piece of cake for you.

But if you’re short on storage solutions, it’s time to invest in some.

For example:

under-the-bed bins give you an extra set of drawers in your bedroom. Larger bins can help you keep your closet space organized.

Cabinets and floor-to-ceiling shelving are helpful in small apartments, too. Depending on the layout of your place, consider mounting some shelves on your walls.

Check Amazon and other online marketplaces for savvy storage solutions. They’ll ensure that you have a spot for every item in your home.

BONUS TIP: Create Hot and Cold Zones

As you’re settling into your new apartment, consider setting up hot and cold zones.

Hot zones are where you stash items you need immediate access to. These are the things you use every day, or at least every few days.

Cold zones are where you store things you don’t use every day. You can put these items in harder-to-reach places.

For instance, if you have a scarf that you love but hardly ever wear, store it under your bed or on the top shelf in your closet. There’s no need to keep it at the front of the closet if you only wear it during wintertime!

In Summary

Moving to a smaller apartment can be liberating. If you’ve been yearning to downsize for a while, now is the perfect opportunity.

Sure, it means decluttering and getting rid of stuff before moving. It may take time to sort through things, and it might be hard to throw things away.

But, when you have an organized and clutter-free home, you’ll love where you live!

[Client bio]

Caitlin Sinclair has seven years of experience in managing high-end apartment communities. Her ability to deliver white-glove service to her residents and prospects has propelled her into a successful career that now finds her leading the team at Jefferson Promenade.

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