Tue. May 7th, 2024

In today’s marketing landscape, your website is essentially your best friend. It is your salesman in which you create and promote your sales pitch to the world, and as such, it has the potential to be your prime asset in your marketing ventures. However, with the ever-evolving digital trends of the present, it may be difficult to keep up.  Engaging a web agency may seem the most ideal, however, you may not have the time or money to commit to services for web design. This is a short blog post on a few tips and tricks to ensure your web design is efficient in creating a platform that is easy and convenient to use for the public.

Firstly, improving the page loading speed is simply essential, for both SEO and user experience. One way you can do this is by compressing any images on your website before uploading them. The image file size is a really daunting reason as to why the webpage loads so slowly — using websites like compressor.io can help you with this. A faster page is something that will leave a good impression on the people visiting the site.

Next, make sure the links or hyperlinks that you are using on the website are visible and easy to locate. When you add a link to your page, you are basically enticing the viewer to click on it. Make sure these links that are being used are easily identifiable by visual cues. This can be done by underlying and using different contrasting colors when creating hyperlinks.

Bullet points are a great way of summarizing important bits of vital info, ways you solve their problem, and key features of a product/service — all in no time. Use them wisely especially for the key propositions that you intend on marketing. Now there are so many different types of icons that you can use when it comes to bullet points. Why stop at the simple circle? Spice it up. Make it interesting when you can, but maintain professionalism.

Another tip would be to refrain from using stock images. People, in general, are getting smarter and quick in judging company websites before deciding if they intend on browsing the site further. It’s easy to judge and to pick out a generic stock photo they’ve probably already seen elsewhere or that looks like something that’s probably been reused a bunch of times. Using stock photography decreases the trust and professionalism of the site and you will also stand out as generic and non-unique. Unfortunately, these associations will carry over to your business as well. So although the pictures make look nice, it would help if you put in the effort

Lastly, consistency is something that cannot be stressed hard enough. Heading sizes, font choices, spacing, design elements, illustration styles, photo choices — all of this is vitally important in their own aspect. Everything should be themed or templated to make your design coherent with all the pages on the website. This is to ensure that the user has an enhanced visual experience when interacting with the interface you have made, it is important that they can know that it is your website they are looking at.

By Sudarsan Chakraborty

Sudarsan Chakraborty is a professional author and blogger of many reputed sites. He loves to write on various topics. Being a digital marketing professional he loves to inspire people to be their own boss by doing blogging and he assists them to grow.

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