Sat. Apr 27th, 2024
Fun Facts

Did you know that only 2% of actors make a living from the profession and that at any one time, 90% of actors are out of work?

To make it as an actor or actress, you need determination, luck, resilience, and talent. But once you do, you become in the public spotlight and adored by many fans. For those of you looking to learn more about the actors that have made it, we’ve got a list of actor fun facts.

Acting Job Facts

To become an actor or actress you don’t need any specific qualifications or experience. Although a lot of actors do go to college or acting schools as a means of understanding the industry and in the hope to get spotted by an agent. Some famous actors and actresses that didn’t have previous experience or qualifications include:

  • Jennifer Lawrence
  • Matthew McConaughey
  • Charlize Theron
  • Channing Tatum
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar
  • and Johnny Depp.

In 2018, the average median hourly wage for an actor was $17.54. However, this figure includes the low earners ($9.05) to the high earners ($61.74). But if actors land themselves the right roles they can be looking at some serious cash. For example, Keanu Reeves earned $156,000,000 while filming the last two films of the Matrix trilogy (which were shot together).

Did somebody say Matthew McConaughey? The actor who started from the very bottom, well his net worth is now about $100 million.

Not bad, and definitely great inspiration for any aspiring actors. Have a look at these other actors by net worth.

Interesting Facts About Actors and Actresses

Could you imagine anyone else playing the role of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise? Well, you might have to, as Jim Carrey was Disney’s first choice for the role. However, the production of the first film, The Curse of the Black Pearl, coincided with Carrey’s shooting of Bruce Almighty. 

For the 1996 movie Courage Under Fire, Matt Damon lost 40 pounds to ensure authenticity for his heroin addict character. It took him a year and a half to correct the stress he put on his adrenal gland.

He isn’t the only actor or actress to lose or gain weight for roles. Mark Ruffalo gained 30 pounds for the TV series I Know This Much Is True. Bridget Jones star, Renee Zellweger went from a size 4 to a size 14 for the role and was eating 4,000 calories a day.

Weird Facts About Singers

Famous singer Justin Timberlake has starred in several films and TV shows, including the Mickey Mouse Show in 1989. Alongside Timberland starred Ryan Gosling, who for six months lived with Timberland and his family during the filming. Timberland and Gosling are like brothers, seen as how Timberland’s mom was Gosling’s legal guardian, while the Canadian actor lived in the US with Timberland.

More interesting facts from the world of music, Lady Gaga wrote Just Dance and Born This Way in under 10 minutes. Those in the music industry often go by different names, so if you were ever wondering, Pink’s real name is Alecia Beth Moore and Bruno Mars’ name is Peter Gene Hernandez. 

Impress Your Friends With These Actor Fun Facts

There’s an abundance of fascinating facts about all actors and singers, you just have to be willing to look for them. Use our actor fun facts to impress your friends and improve your cultural knowledge. And if you’re thinking of trying your luck at becoming an actor, remember that perseverance pays off.

Discover more fun facts and the latest from the arts and entertainment industry on our website.

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