Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Millions understand the essence of passwords, but the type of password for unshakable authority still puzzles many. Sadly, many take no time to change passwords, having used them for years and in case of a risk. A password is a combination of characters like numbers and it gives access to something or somewhere. In the IT field, a password is a personalized weapon against cybercrimes.

A password may characterize numbers, alphabets, icons, exclamation marks or a combination of these. Unknowingly, many of us use the same passwords, which are quite simple and easy to remember.

Among the commonest passwords used globally, we have;

123456- currently used by more than 2.5 million people worldwide and the biggest exposer to data breaches. Well, it may possess more characters, look precise and easy to remember, but a graveyard in disguise.

123456789 comes next with 7.8 million breaches, followed by 12345678. Other menacing passwords include 123123, 111111, 1234567890, and 12345. Studies indicate that most of the used passwords across the globe can be hacked within a second.

How Good is My Password?

Unknowingly, people create passwords thinking they can shield them from cybercrimes or data breaches. However, these cause a catastrophe with effects at times irreversible. Some of the steps you can take to ensure a reliable password include;

A Password Manager 

Instead of guesswork, a password manager tool is reliable in creating unique and robust passwords randomly. Whether you have multiple accounts‘private and work’, it is possible to create several secure passwords. 

Two-Factor Authentication

Also known as multiple-factor authentication, it involves various steps to prove your ownership for a password before accessing a website or an account. According to observations, two-factor authentication can drastically reduce the incidence of online data breaches or theft.

Create a Robust Password

Take the time and create a unique password and long enough to shield you from online data theft. Many password generator tools have proved to be effective, and these include; using a combination of numbers and alphabets, opting for the upper and lower- case letters.

Avoid Similar Passwords 

Try to avoid identical passwords and the use of the same password for multiple accounts. Create a unique password for every account with different characters. Similarly, the upper and lower characters should help you create a reliable password.

Avoid creating a password basing on your hobbies, names, loved ones or favourite places. Also, a password shouldn’t be shared unless in an emergency with a trustable person. In the case of a password compromise, change the password as soon as possible and take drastic measures to encrypt it.


With awareness, passwords’ use increased in the previous decades; however, there still unfortunate events. According to the Global Password Security report, 50% of digital users use the same passwords. On the other hand, 65% of users utilize the same passwords across accounts.

Avoid using the above-categorized passwords and endeavour to create new strong passwords for each account. Remember that work accounts require different passwords from your accounts to avoid any link.  

By kabir

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