Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Hiring a virtualstaging company would prove challenging unless you are clear of your objective. In this article, we shall discuss the various essential questions that you must ask a virtual staging company before hiring them on board. The process is simple and easy to understand once you have the clear image of the same.

Various real estate experts and forecastershave consideredVirtual Staging innovative, cost-effective and efficient marketing methods for sellers. Virtual staging involves painting, decorating, updating, renovating, and adding décor to various room of the house. All of these are possible when you have the right virtual staging company working for you.

Before we proceeddisclosing the top questions to ask avirtual staging company such as spotless agency, let’s quickly check few tips on the same.

Tips for virtual staging:

  1. Better quality images always attract the audience. Thus, virtual staging requires high quality images. The better your images, the higher chances of selling the property.
  2. One picture of every room is adequate to start the process of staging. In case more pictures are required, your stager will ask you for the same. Hire a professional photographer who knows the best angles for every room.
  3. Your virtual stager may ask you for the room dimensions beforehand. In case your virtual stager asks from you, keep the information and details handy.
  4. Do not hire expensive lenses or use filters for the pictures. It will mislead the buyers. Show what the truth is so that your virtual stager can also work with the best skills.
  5. Choose a reputed, registered, and professional virtual staging company. Only a technical person can understand the nook and corners of the rooms well. They also know how to add 3D images of the products to enhance the looks of the images.
  6. Virtual staging can be a costlier process if you do not know how to approach the right company. Some companies may mislead you in terms of quotations too. Thus, some homework and online research will help you to make a rational decision and save on the budget too.
  7. Choosea virtual staging company that has real estate experience. Pay close focus to the sample portfolios shared by the company so that you select the best and your final results look professional.

Let’s come to the main topic of most essential questions to ask the virtual staging company:

  1. Is your team trained to perform virtual staging?
  • Virtual staging is digital staging. Thus, your property’s image depends on it. If you wish to close the deal with a good company, ask if your team is trained and experienced to perform virtual training. You can ask about the team’s education, qualification, and experience without hesitation.
  1. How does the virtual staging process work?
  • Virtual staging process is always the best once you know how it works. Ask your virtual staging company how they will begin, what are their process, and the deadline to submit the final project. You have all the rights to ask for the step-by-step process. Some of the common points to remember while asking on the process work are as follows:
  • What style will you select as per my property?
  • What type of home décor will you choose?
  • Does the company manage staging of just the interiors or also take care of the outside area?
  1. Does the company has an in-house staff or will they outsource the stager?
  • Most virtual home stagers are hired by the company on client and contract basis. The graphic designers are hired from outside to serve the client purpose. If the designers fall from outside US zone, it is difficult to explain to them expectations, understanding, and specialization of US styled houses.
  1. Do you have samples of recent works?
  • Getting your eyes on some of the recent virtual staging projects done by your company will help you to understand where they stand in client expectations. Check if these projects are live and not just visual samples. Comparing the real pictures with the virtual staging will help you to have a clearer picture. If you wish to close the deal, take one step ahead and visit the website to check out their live projects.
  1. What is the turnaround time of your projects?
  • Some companies take many projects in hand and fail to meet the deadlines. Ensure that you take everything in writing and seek the turnaround time of the project. At the same time, you need to accept a practical time frame so that there is mutual agreement between both the parties.

For more information on how to hire a virtual stager, check out the website or read our other articles too. If you have any confusion, you may also reach the 24/7 virtual staging contact centre team.

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