Sat. Sep 7th, 2024
  • Are PR Results Quantifiable?
  • Is it a Worthy Investment?
  • What are some Advantages of PR?

Questions like these haunt skincare brands when it comes to engaging with a PR agency. A lot of skincare brands feel that setting up their own digital and PR teams is a better option than opting for an external agency.

A lot has changed between the days when skincare brands were heavily dependent on magazines and print ads for promotions. The digital has given skincare brands a lot of options as far as promotions, awareness, exposure, and sales go.

In this article, we look at 5 major advantages that skincare start-ups can enjoy after working with a PR agency.

List of 7 Major Advantages Skincare Start-ups can enjoy after working with a Start-Up

  • Fostering a Brand Voice and Storytelling- 

The first thing skincare start-ups need to concentrate on is telling their own stories. As compared to other business niches, skincare is a highly emotional and subjective domain. Everyone wants to know about what the entrepreneur has been through, what is the meaning behind the brand, and what does it represent. A PR firm can help a skincare start-up relay this story.

  • Become an Online Advocate for your USP- 

Are you a skincare startup that champions the vegan cause? Or, do you believe in BLM? Skincare brands have in recent years spoken about important social issues affecting our society. An effective skincare pr machinery can help in promoting your advocacy cause and endearing you to your target audiences. This can become a part of your story-telling narrative.

  • Build a Successful Online Presence on Search and Social- 

When you work with the best PR agencies, you do not need to hire separate SEO teams or Social Media agencies. A good PR agency can take care of all your digital needs on both search engines and social media. This means creating content, executing link-building content, working on inbound marketing, and so on. This will ensure you have one agency to work with.

  • Establishing Relationships with Time Influencers and Opinion Makers- 

If you are a skincare brand that is looking to build meaningful professional relationships, you need a PR firm. There is a difference in the way social media agencies approach influencers and how PR firms do it. This can help you not only align your strategic interests but also help you with advocacy, brand building, and opinion-making. It can also attract influencers to your brand.

  • Getting Favourable Coverage in the Press and Media- 

In the world of skincare brands, the traditional press still continues to play a dominant role. There are millions of readers of magazines, blogs, and skincare journals. Engaging with mainstream press, magazines, and publications is something that a start-up skincare brand needs to engage with. This is why you need to work with a PR firm to ensure you get favorable coverage.

Will Skincare Start-Ups be able to Measure ROIs on PR Activities?

If you are a skincare brand that is reading this, you need to understand that effective ROIs can be guaranteed from PR activities. For example, the following are some ways to measure ROIs from PR activity-

  • The first thing that you can notice is the website traffic you are receiving post the PR engagement. If the PR has been done right, you will see a lot of visitors on your website.
  • Secondly, you will start seeing an increase in the number of fans and followers on your social media pages. Likes, follower count, and engagement rates will improve.
  • Lastly, Once the PR activities kick in, you will start seeing a lot of media outreaches being made with your brand. This will allow you to measure your ROI effectively.

The Bottom Line

A skincare start-up can achieve great results when working with a PR agency. The main challenge is working with a PR agency that has experience in handling brands in your industry niche. If you have any more questions, you would like us to answer, let us know in the comments section below.

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