Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
stainless steel crowns in pediatric dentistrystainless steel crowns in pediatric dentistry


Pediatric dentists are the real-life tooth fairies who scientifically place the pediatric stainless steel crowns only after the medical treatment of cavities. The gift of blissful and healthy smiles is assured with the use of Acero crowns to cap the baby tooth from decay. Plus the stainless steel crowns for children’s teeth are gritty and come off naturally only after a minimum period of 5 years (or when the baby tooth comes off). Here are the various purposes served by the Acero crowns to ensure the active and delightfully twinkling smile of your young ones.

Candies, chocolates, syrups and sticky gums are mouth-watering for every toddler out there. This becomes a nightmare for parents when they do not brush their teeth properly and complain of toothache, especially the molars which are inevitable in enjoying the sweetness of sugars in them.

A stainless steel crown teeth for a child exhibits and has several aspects-

  • A refuge from the spreading tooth infection-caries and cavity development
  • Shields the sensitive tooth which has the thinnest enamel layer
  • Restores the structure and fills in the void created by the detached mass of decay
  • Reinforce the edifice of the broken or chipped tooth 
  • Completes the teeth bridge and aids in the development of speech, sound patterns
  • Better protection post root canals
  • Benefit from the non-corrosive material of stainless steel crown for pediatric seatings
  • Avoid revisiting, replacement of dental crowns due to failing dental cement, cracks and discoloured caps etc.

The stainless steel pediatric crowns once aptly seated do not need frequent attention. Parents can feel liberated from the fear of escalation of infection, toothaches and weakening enamel once they get their child’s troublesome baby tooth under the protection of stainless steel caps. The issue with other cap or crown materials is very simple. The play-way attitude of the child might not keep up with the delicate aesthetics of those materials. Porcelain and other ceramic crowns might get seriously damaged because of a playful thud, fall or sweep while frolicking. The unintentional moves do not cope up well with the crown strength. For adults who are extra careful not to bite hard or playfully subject it to pressure, the stainless steel crown is preserved perfectly.

Your child might complain of its dark colour but know that these are well-grounded and credible in function. For more natural looks, the stainless steel inlaid porcelain crowns can be considered for unscathed safety.

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Thus facilitating your child to enjoy the food and speak confidently as the stainless steel crowns protect the sensitive tooth; devoid of inflicting pain and suffering. Ideally, these crowns surpass the ceramic ones in durability and reliability. Moreover, these are inert to the fluids consumed and enzymes in human saliva. Pre-veneered steel crowns are the new talk of the dental care town. They appear exactly like another tooth while having an interior casing of stainless steel. Also, white-faced steel crowns for the front tooth saves the child from being uncomfortable with its metallic looks.

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