Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
upcoming government exams upcoming government exams

An announcement letter is a type of business letter which is used in personal as well as the professional situation. At the workplace, announcement letter is usually written for many purposes such as to let the staff know about some changes in the management, introduction to the new policy, launching a new product, financial summaries, the retirement of any staff, etc. Personal announcement letter is mostly written for announcing a wedding ceremony or birthday event. But writing an announcement letter involves a lot of steps and it is very important to understand the standard format and template of the announcement letter.  Everyone does not know the announcement  standard letter format. That is why we have come up with a standard sample and format so that everyone can understand what to write and how to write the announcement letter.

Sample for the announcement letter

The following is a standard sample for announcement letter and you can take the help of this sample whenever you need to write an announcement letter:

<Sender’s Name>,
<Sender’s Company’s Name>
<Senders Address>

Date: Date of the Day when you will send the letter usually in DD/MM/YYYY format

<Name of Recipient>
<Recipient’s Organization name>,
<Recipient’s Address>

Subject:  <State the purpose of the letter>

It gives me immense pleasure to announce that Ms./Mr. <Name of the person for whom the announcement is done> has been promoted to <new designation of the person> with effect from <Date of the day from when he will take the charge of the new post>. He will now be reporting to Ms./Mr. <Name of his new Supervisor>. Ms./Mr. <Name of the person who has been promoted> will now handover his existing position to Ms./Mr. <name of the person who is taking over the charge>.

Ms./Mr. <Name of person promoted> was shortlisted from 25 candidates who had also applied for the same post and he was selected after a serious of a rigorous round of selection process. Apart from the interview results, it was his qualifications and experience that helped us to make him our ultimate choice for the position.

We would like to congratulate and wish Ms./Mr. <the person who has been promoted> all the best and we hope he will also success in her new role in the same way he had done in his earlier post.


<Sender’s Name>

Essential things to remember while writing an announcement letter

The following are some essential points that you should remember while writing an announcement letter:

  • The announcement letter should be short and concise. All that you need to write is the exact situation or decision which needs to be addressed. Hence there is no point in making the letter lengthy. Hence it is always recommended to stick to one page when writing an announcement letter.
  • If you are writing a professional announcement letter for example for announcing promotion or retirement or any kind of change in management it is always important to make two copies of the announcement letter. One copy should be addressed to the person for whom the announcement is being made and other for the whole office for informing them about the announcement.
  • Keep the tone of the letter formal and since an announcement letter addresses a large group of people you should always try to avoid any kind of extra details which are irrelevant.
  • Since the announcement letter can be written for various purposes the format of writing may vary a little bit but remember that all letters should have an accurate inflection in the tone.
  • An announcement letter is mainly written to address a group of people and so in this kind of letter you have to make sure that there is less scope of questions. Always try to write this kind of letter in a straightforward way and it must be to the point.
  • If you are writing the announcement letter for announcing the promotion of someone then you should write the letter in such a way that the readers of the announcement letter also gets motivated and tries to achieve the same kind of achievement.
  • Sometime it may become necessary to write an announcement letter for announcing a strict decision of management policy or any other decision. But in such case also you have to keep your tone considerate and respectful. You should always try to temper the announcement in such a way that the readers of the announcement letter understand the demand for the decision and take it optimistically.
  • You should always try to avoid any kind of grammatical or typographical errors in the announcement letter as it creates a bad impression in the mind of the readers. That is the reason why it is always advisable to proofread the letter again and again before submitting or sending the letter. It will help you to detect and rectify the errors very easily.

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