Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

The overused, cliché saying “communication is the key” is one that everyone is certainly aware of. But its implementation can be the tricky bit. That is why workspaces must encourage all forms of communication effectively and civilly – so that everyone’s needs are met and everyone in the workplace feels heard and valued. Communication skills are an absolute must for leadership and professional development.

Using Small Talk as an Icebreaker

To form a more cohesive, amiable and welcoming environment, small talk can be used as an icebreaker. Most people tend to loathe small talk and are poor at it. But taking baby steps to build on bonds is a progressive approach to forming better professional relationships from scratch. Showing interest in your co-workers, asking them about their opinions makes them feel valued. Even at social gatherings, small talk can help you introduce yourself to others.

Moreover, small talk helps pave way for effective networking. Humans are not capable of remembering more than fifty names with facial recognition. That is why simply greeting someone at business meetings or keeping up through a virtual platform is not enough. If you want to form stronger professional bonds, you should know how to hold a conversation –apart from talking about business-related topics. Naturally, after effectively keeping up small talk you can even explore intimate parts of each other’s lives – which has been known to strengthen professional friendships.

Strong Gift of the Gab for Oral Communication

Another aspect of communication in the field of business includes verbal delivery. Excellent orators are sought after for presentations, signing business deals as well as convincing potential clients and sponsors. This can be a very demanding task and if you lack the power of convincing others, you could cost severe losses to your company. Working on oral communication involves strong negotiation skills, maintaining cool-headedness, expressing ideas in a refined, yet comprehensive manner and making amendments by gauging the reactions of your audience. This skill takes time for perfection – that is why practicing it in your day-to-day interactions can help you become a better speaker.

Sustaining Conversations and Showing Genuine Interest in Your Co-workers

Once you have made it past the phase of a general exchange of courtesies and small talk, you must have the sagacity to form deeper relationships. Although, most people suggest that the workplace is not suitable for forming the kind of friendships you had back in school. But maintaining a healthy, friendly environment can help make your employees and co-workers feel more valued.

Impeccable Written Communication Skills

Written communication in the field of business should be practiced to perfection. Often, a person’s physical presence has a lasting impact on others. But not all your clients or potential sponsors will be available in person. That is why you need effective writing skills to convince them and create a good impression on them from miles away. Well written business proposals or memorandums are crucial for all sorts of businesses. These should be free of colloquial language, shouldn’t have overused phrases and should be kept short, yet relevant. Writing is another skill that takes time to develop – but can be a game-changer; especially when it comes to sending out business proposals.

Communicating Through Your Body Language

Finally, your body language can speak volumes about your interest and respect for the profession or person. That is why, people with higher emotional intelligence are preferred at most workplaces – because even if they are not particularly comfortable with being in a situation, they carry themselves professionally. A client can be belittling or berating, but as a professional, you must know how to tackle them not only with your words but also with your body language. Behavioral psychology experts have cracked the codes about how humans tense up when they are stressed or when they are trying to suppress dislike for another person – studying these will not only help you stay more informed but will also help you correct your shortcomings.

Bottom line is that whether you are a new employee, a young graduate who is looking for a job or even someone who is already thriving in the field of business – harnessing your communication skills can open up several avenues for your company. And it’s never too late to begin.


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