Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Can you believe that in this day and age of technological advancement, some people who are neither able to keep their homes warm in winter without putting on the heating and nor do they know how to read my electric bill?

A recent survey revealed that one-third of households do not turn the heating on until November. Yet when they switch it off in April, many cannot afford to put it back on again. Proper Guide related to Electricity Bills will help you understand how it is calculated and what the best ways to reduce it.

Simple Tips To Reduce Electricity Bills

  • Wrap up warm – wearing several layers of thin clothes can keep you as warm as a single thick jumper. And remember the more skin exposed, the colder you will feel;
  • Put off heating your home until you need it;
  • Turn the heating off in rooms that are not being used;
  • Keep your curtains closed to keep out draughts. Draughts let heat escape through doors and windows. Use draft excluders under doors, especially external ones; seal gaps round window panes with some newspaper or card, then hang curtains to keep out cold drafts.
  • If you have a fire, only light it when necessary and ensure that the chimney has been swept recently to reduce the build-up of tar deposits, which are an almost certain fire risk;
  • Drying clothes outside in natural sunlight will use less electricity than using a tumble dryer. Where possible, dry clothes on a washing line or indoors in front of an electric fire;
  • When the weather is mild, close off rooms that are not being used.
  • Turn lights and appliances off at the wall when they are not being used. Replacing five 40 watt standard bulbs with 5 x 15-watt low energy equivalent lamps will save a lot of electricity
  • Use energy-saving bulbs. They last longer and use 90% less electricity than standard ones;
  • Turn off taps completely when doing the washing up or brushing teeth. Do not keep taps dripping, as this can waste 3 or 4 gallons of water every day. Turn off all unneeded electrical appliances such as TVs, computers, and games consoles at the mains whenever possible;
  • Try to avoid using your cooker for just boiling a kettle. This is because kettles only need 500 watts whereas ovens usually need about 2000-3000 watts;
  • Seal any cracks around windows, doors, and skirting boards with expanding foam to stop draughts from coming in which will make the property colder
  • Do not turn on the heating when you get in from outside, especially if the weather is already cold. Instead, turn it on when leaving a room and going into another one. Also cover windows with curtains or blinds rather than letting heat out through them
  • Put a jumper on instead of turning up the heating. You can even put a jumper over a dressing gown for extra insulation;
  • Wear thick layers of clothes around the house instead of using your central heating to keep warm because this will use less energy;
  • Never boil kettles more than once because they become harder to clean the more times they are used
  • If you buy new appliances make sure that they have high energy ratings e.g A+++ washing machines mean that these appliances use much less electricity compared with standard appliances


It’s important to be mindful of your electricity usage, especially if you are on a tight budget. The tips we have shared in this blog post show how easy it is to reduce the use of energy without making any major changes or compromises in lifestyle. Take note of these best ways for reducing electricity bills and see what works for you! Check your current bill now, then compare that with last month’s bill (or whatever period is available). What differences did you notice?

By admin

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