Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is the inability of a woman under forty to attain pregnancy after transferring a high-quality embryo several times in three cycles of in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Due to embryo quality, anatomical, or immunological factors, this process may fail. Doctors use various diagnostic procedures to evaluate the cause of recurrent implantation failure Newport Beach such as uterine observations, endometrial sampling, or laparoscopy. There are many causes of recurrent implantation failure, and here are some.

Egg or sperm quality

A high-quality egg and sperm play a significant role in making a healthy embryo. There are high chances of successful implantation when the embryo is healthy than an unhealthy one. Some factors can reduce the quality of sperm or eggs, such as age. Eggs collected in older women above thirty-five years are likely to cause unsuccessful implantation since age decreases the quality of the egg.

Chromosomal defects in the embryo

Chromosomal defects in the embryo are the significant causes of RIF. Chromosomes are structures that contain DNA found in your cells. A normal sperm or egg contains twenty-three DNA each and during fertilization. All twenty-three DNA from each parent should be present during fertilization, making forty-six chromosomes in the embryo. Abnormalities in the number of chromosomes that may happen during embryo generation lead to RIF.

Abnormalities of the uterus

Your uterus must be in good health for successful implantation. Congenital uterine defects such as septate uterus can cause recurrent implantation failure. Conditions in the uterus such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, and polyps can lead to RIF. These issues cause extreme uterine contractions, abnormal endometrial vascularity, and chronic endometrial inflammatory response leading to unsuccessful implantation.

Lifestyle factors

Lifestyle factors in either parent can affect the success of embryo transfer. Excessive use of alcohol, smoking, illegal drugs, and poor diet can affect egg or sperm quality and the health of the uterus, contributing to repeated implantation failure. Obesity, a common problem in society, lowers sperm count and rate in men affecting implantation. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy affect sperm and egg quality and quantity.

Medical conditions

Health conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disease, endocrine problems, and autoimmune diseases can affect implantation. Clotting disorders may block the interaction between the embryo and your endometrium. Immunological disorders can indirectly cause clotting problems. High blood pressure in men affects sperm shape hence low sperm quality. Your doctor can help you control and treat these diseases.

Hormonal problems

Insufficient or absence of progesterone hormone can hinder implantation. Progesterone stimulates the conversion of the uterus lining from proliferative to secretory phase to become ready to accept the embryo. Research has shown that frozen embryos are more successful than fresh ones in the IVF process. High estrogen concentration in your body during the unfrozen IVF cycle can compromise endometrial receptivity leading to unsuccessful implantation.

Observing a healthy lifestyle can prevent some causes of RIF. Visit your healthcare provider to diagnose and treat conditions related to recurrent implantation failure. Call California Dream Fertility Center to schedule an appointment to treat recurrent implantation failure.

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