Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

With the sheer volume of hours on the road, truck accidents are inevitable and unfortunately, most of them result in serious injuries. Fortunately, the industry has done plenty to make truck driving a safe occupation.

Despite the steps taken toward making truck driving safety, there are still some common, yet avoidable causes of accidents. If you have questions about legal issues regarding truck driving and safety head to Frekhtman & Associates.

  1. Mechanical failure

Unfortunately, all vehicles have the potential to have some form of mechanical failure. When it happens in a big rig, the potential damage that results from it can be devastating. Mechanical failure can happen anywhere, from important mechanical parts in the drive train to non-mechanical parts that fall off and injure other drivers.

Of course, drivers check their trucks before they hit the road, but unexpected problems can happen at any time.

  1. Distracted driving

Even though drivers are not supposed to use their smartphones or other devices while on the road, there are plenty of opportunities for drivers to be distracted. It can be too tempting to check a phone or send a text, but those small distractions can be enough to take the life of someone else on the road. Drivers – in any type of vehicle – should wait to use their phones until they are no longer handling a vehicle.

Distracted driving isn’t just using a phone. It’s also eating while driving or changing the radio or anything else that takes your eyes off the road. At high speeds and with a big rig, it is tough to recover from issues that arise when the driver gets distracted.

  1. Tired drivers

Truck drivers cover a massive amount of miles and even though they are required to take rest stops, some do not. According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2013 drowsy driving caused at least 800 deaths on the road. It is important for long haul drivers to stop when they are required to and to get the necessary amount of sleep to keep them alert while driving.

It is also important for drivers to recognize the signs when they are getting drowsy, as drowsiness can happen at unexpected times throughout the day. If they cannot stop yawning or they cannot remember their last few minutes of driving, they should take care of their drowsiness. Remember, drowsiness can happen in the middle of the day as well as deep into the night. Veering into the other lane, onto rumble strips, or into oncoming traffic can be the result of drowsy driving.

  1. Road conditions

It’s no secret how many states have terrible roads and those road conditions can cause serious accidents. Some frequently traveled roads are plagued with potholes or deep ridges that can cause problems for drivers. Weather can also cause accidents, especially windy, rainy, and icy conditions. Even road construction traffic can cause accidents, especially when drivers are unsure what to do or if construction is improperly marked.

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