Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

Colorblindness is a disability that affects millions of people, but it’s also one that most people don’t think about. If you’re colorblind, or know someone who is, you might want to know which jobs are suitable for people with this condition. In this guide, we’ll cover what colorblindness is, how it affects your ability to see colors correctly and what careers are best suited for those who suffer from it. We’ll also discuss some tips for staying safe at work if you have trouble distinguishing between certain colors!

Careers suitable for colorblind people

Color blindness is not a disability, but it can make certain jobs more difficult to do. If you are colorblind or have a family member who is, it’s important to understand how this condition affects your career options.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career that involves working with colors (such as an artist or designer), then being colorblind may be an issue for you. However, there are plenty of other careers where being able to see all colors doesn’t matter as much–and where having perfect vision would actually be more of a hindrance! Some examples include:

  • Accountant: An accountant needs accurate math skills and attention to detail–not necessarily perfect eyesight.
  • Police officer: Police officers don’t need perfect vision; they just need good enough vision so they can safely drive their patrol cars around town and read license plates at intersections without getting pulled over themselves!


A nutritionist or dietitian is a healthcare professional who has received training and certification in human nutrition. The field of human nutrition includes the study of how food affects health, as well as the study of diseases caused by poor eating habits. Nutritionists may help people choose healthy foods, prepare meals that support their health goals and prevent disease, or work on behalf of companies to develop new products such as beverages or frozen dinners that are healthier than what’s currently available on store shelves.

The job description varies depending on whether you’re employed by an individual client or a larger organization like a hospital or government agency (in which case your duties may include educating staff members about healthy eating habits). Regardless of setting, however-whether you’re working directly with patients/clients or not-you’ll need excellent communication skills so that everyone understands exactly what their needs are before making any recommendations about food choices


Lawyers are a group of people who need to be able to read documents and contracts. Colorblindness can affect your ability to do this, but it’s not impossible for colorblind lawyers to practice law. In fact, there is a method called “screening” which allows colorblind people to pass on their own if they know how many colors are present in a specific document or contract (the number of colors varies depending on what type of document it is).


Journalists are the people who write about what’s happening in the world. They report on events, interview people, and tell stories that can be read by anyone. This makes journalism a great career choice for colorblind individuals because it requires fewer visual skills than other professions do.

Colorblindness affects your ability to see certain colors and shades properly–but it doesn’t affect how well you can write or tell stories! If you’re interested in becoming a journalist but aren’t sure if it will suit your needs as someone with poor vision, don’t worry: this section will outline some ways that being colorblind may actually help make you an even better writer than those without these conditions might be able to achieve.


As an accountant, you are responsible for the financial record-keeping and reporting of a company. You must have a strong understanding of financial statements and accounting principles in order to ensure that all documents are prepared accurately. Accountants may specialize in one area such as tax preparation or audit services, but most work on general ledger accounts throughout their careers.

Copywriter/Content Writer/Author

If you’re a copywriter or content writer, it’s important to be able to write clearly, persuasively and creatively. You will need to be able to write about a wide range of topics–from fashion and food to sports and travel–and have an understanding of grammar, spelling and punctuation. If you are colorblind, this could make it difficult for you to do your job effectively because these types of jobs require good visual perception skills in order for the words on the page not only look right but also be easily read by others who may not share your condition (or lack thereof).

Insurance Sales Agent

Insurance sales agents are in the business of selling insurance to customers. While this can be challenging at times, it’s an excellent career for colorblind people who want to work with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

As an insurance sales agent, you’ll need to build trust with your clients so they will feel comfortable buying their policies from you. You may have to ask more questions and listen more closely than other professionals because of your color blindness, but the rewards are worth it when you make someone feel secure about their future finances!

Other suitable careers

It is important to note that not all careers are suitable for colorblind individuals. While some jobs may seem like they would be, they actually require a great deal of visual acuity and color identification. For example, pilots must be able to see their instruments clearly in order to land safely at their destination, which makes it an unsuitable career choice for those with red-green deficiencies. The same goes for electricians who need to differentiate between wires and cables as part of their daily work duties; if you have trouble discerning between these shades of gray, then this career path might not be right for you either!

As previously mentioned above (and reiterated here), there are still plenty of other careers that can work well with your particular type(s)

of color blindness–so don’t give up hope just yet!

Careers unsuitable for colorblind individuals

If you’re colorblind, there are some careers that are simply unsuitable for you. These include:

  • Pilot
  • Firefighter and other emergency services workers (police officer, paramedic)
  • Electricians and other people in trades who use color to identify wires
  • Medical professionals (in certain areas)

In addition to those jobs listed above, there are many others that require good visual acuity and color vision. If you’re unsure whether or not your career would be suitable for someone with this condition, consult with your doctor or specialist before making any decisions.


As a pilot, you are required to pass a color vision test. If you have any kind of colorblindness then this could be an issue for you.

A lot of people think that being colorblind doesn’t matter because they can still fly planes just fine in black and white. But it’s not as simple as that–pilots need to spot subtle changes in light and shade that help them navigate through clouds or fog (which don’t show up very well on camera). If someone has trouble distinguishing between different shades of reds and greens, then there’s no way they could do the job effectively enough for their own safety or the safety of those around them


Firefighters are an important part of our society and they play a vital role in keeping us safe. If you’re colorblind, it might be difficult for you to do this job. As with many other careers, firefighters need to be able to identify different colors quickly and accurately so that they can perform their tasks safely and efficiently.

If you are colorblind, your vision may not be as sharp when identifying certain shades of red or green compared with someone who has normal vision (20/20). This could make it harder for firefighters with red-green color blindness (deuteranomaly) or complete protanopia/protanopia respectively–which affects one out every 24 men–to spot fires at night or during smoky conditions because these colors look similar under low light conditions (i.e., fire smoke).

To compensate for this issue some fire departments require candidates who pass their physical tests but fail their eye exams due specifically because they don’t meet minimum requirements concerning color vision testing standards set forth by the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

Police officer

Being a police officer is one of the most important careers in society. Police officers are tasked with keeping order and maintaining peace, which means they need to be able to see colors.

In fact, colorblindness could affect your ability to do your job as a police officer if you’re unable to tell whether someone is wearing a red or green shirt, for example. It’s also important for officers to be able to recognize colors when searching for evidence or vehicles involved in crimes–and this could prove difficult if you are colorblind.


Electricians need to be able to identify different colors and color codes, as well as wire colors. They also need to be able to tell the difference between black and white. If you’re colorblind, this may not be the job for you.

Medical professionals (in certain areas)

Colorblindness can be a problem for these careers, but only in some areas. For example, if you’re training to be a surgeon and your work involves stitching up wounds or performing surgery on internal organs then being colorblind could cause problems with diagnosis. However, there are plenty of other jobs in this sector that don’t require this level of detail–for example nurses and paramedics–and so are perfectly suitable for people with colorblindness.

Other unsuitable careers

  • Pilot, firefighter and police officer are some of the unsuitable careers for people who are colorblind or have other visual disabilities.
  • In certain areas of medicine, it may be necessary for medical professionals to be able to see colors in order to accurately diagnose and treat their patients. For example, ophthalmologists need to detect subtle changes in the retina (the innermost layer of the eye) during surgery; dermatologists need to identify skin cancers; cardiologists need to interpret electrocardiograms (ECGs) correctly; optometrists must examine eyesight with special equipment when prescribing glasses or contact lenses; dentists use diagnostic tools such as x-rays so they can identify cavities before they become too deep – all jobs that require an ability to distinguish between shades of color will be difficult if not impossible for those with color blindness or vision impairment issues

Tips for colorblind individuals in the workplace

  • Be proactive and ask for accommodations.
  • Use tools and technology to assist with color identification.
  • Communicate with colleagues about your colorblindness, so they can help you by pointing out colors when needed or explaining the context of a situation (e.g., “this dress is blue”).
  • Seek out a mentor who doesn’t have your same disability; this person can offer advice on how to navigate workplace challenges related to both your disability and the particular job you’re applying for or working in at present.

Using tools and technology to assist with color identification

Colorblindness is a disability that affects 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. It is not a disease, nor does it cause any harm to your health. Colorblindness is not contagious, so you can’t catch it from someone else.

It may seem like colorblind people would have trouble with many tasks, but this isn’t always true! There are many jobs that can be done with or without perfect color perception. For example:

  • Some jobs require attention to detail and careful observation skills more than they do perfect color discrimination; these include carpentry work, sewing clothes (including tailoring), accounting/bookkeeping services (such as bookkeepers who prepare tax returns), etc.. If a person has difficulty seeing reds or greens then they might need help identifying these colors when working on projects such as carpentry projects where small details matter; however most other things like measuring distances between holes drilled into walls will still work just fine even if you cannot tell whether something looks “greenish” versus just plain ol’ green.”

Communicating with colleagues about colorblindness

  • Explain the issue. If you have colorblindness, it’s important to let your colleagues know about it. You can do this by mentioning it in your cover letter or resume, or even just saying something like “I’m sorry about my green eyeshadow” when someone makes a comment about them.
  • Ask for help. Your co-workers may not know how to help you at first–they may assume that everything is fine because they can see colors correctly–but they will be willing to assist once they understand what’s going on!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help: The most important thing is being open with people around you so that everyone knows how best he or she can assist each other during the workday (and beyond!).

Seeking accommodations if necessary

If you’ve been diagnosed with color blindness, it’s important to know that there are a number of accommodations that can be made at work. The first step in seeking these accommodations is to speak with your employer about your needs.

The following are some questions you may want to ask them:

  • Are there other people in my company who have been accommodated for color blindness? If so, how did they go about asking for the accommodation? What was their experience like? What kind of support did the company provide them with during the process?
  • What type of documentation do I need from my doctor before we can move forward with any changes or adjustments in my work environment or schedule (e.g., new computer screen filters) based on my diagnosis as an individual with color blindness?


At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that color blindness is no reason to let your career aspirations get in the way. You can still achieve great things if you work hard and find creative solutions for any challenges that may come up along the way. If you are interested in learning more about color blindness and careers, check out our full guide here!

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